17 Out of luck

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Roman had barely left the room before I grabbed my things and headed out of the stadium. I had no desire to listen to more of the gossip. I was sure that the loud argument we had had already spread like a forest fire in the backstage area. Now they all had some new material to rant about.

However, I didn't care about that right now. All I wanted was to be alone so I could let my feelings loose. Without the prying eyes and ears that were present everywhere. I had almost reached the exit when a staff member stopped me.

"Miss L/N, the boss wants to talk to you urgently. Please follow me." said a man with a headset.

I sighed deeply. I had been so close to getting out of here. Although I had guessed that it wouldn't take long for the authorities to hear about our fight, I hadn't expected it to happen so quickly. How much time had passed since then? Maybe 10, 15 minutes at the most.

Reluctantly, I followed the man and it wasn't long before he knocked on a door.

"Ah Miss L/N. Please sit down!" said the voice of Mr. McMahon.

"I prefer to stand, Sir. I know what this is about. So can we get it over with?" said I in a barely controlled voice.

"Very well, as you know your contract includes some clauses that involve Mr. Reigns..."

Roman POV

This whole fucking day! And it was still not over. It felt like I was trapped in a nightmare that I just couldn't wake up from. All I wanted to do right now was find Y/N and apologize to her and explain to her why I had snapped like that. I realize what I said to her was unforgivable and yet I hoped she could find it in herself to forgive me.

Of course I was not so lucky to be able to look for her quickly, because the doctors wanted to examine and stitch the wound on my head first. Although I tried to convince them that it was not so bad, but the amount of blood probably spoke a different language.

"Roman, my boy, how are you?" I heard my mother ask, coming into the doctor's room after they had patched me up.

"I've been better..." I mumbled and swallowed hard.

One good look was enough and she knew I was about to collapse. She looked around the room briefly and then sent everyone out in a firm, authoritative voice. Something about her made people obey without a second thought.

The silence in the room continued for a few minutes, only my uneven breathing could be heard.

"This isn't about your match or your wound, right? Where's Y/N?" Mom then wanted to know.

"We had a fight and I said some very, very stupid, ugly things to her. I don't know exactly why I was upset. All of a sudden all the rumors going around backstage would get so loud in my head and then I saw her with Styles. There was really nothing going on. She was just doing her job. But something about it triggered the memories in me from back then," I muttered softly, staring at my blood-stained hands.

"You mean, the fact that the girlfriend you had before Y/N cheated on you and lied to you? And am I right in assuming that you didn't tell Y/N about that?" she wanted to know.

"Yes and yes. We were so happy and I didn't want to bring up my past. I didn't expect all those feelings to come up again. But I guess that's exactly what has happened now. And because of that, I've now lost the best thing that ever happened to me in my life," I explained.

"You don't know that." said Mom softly.

"It feels like it," I whispered.

"You love Y/N and I know she loves you too. It is your duty to explain everything to her. Every detail. Then you can only hope that your love is strong enough and she forgives you. Don't give up before the fight, son. I didn't raise you that way," she replied and then hugged me tightly.

When I finally arrived at the hotel after what felt like an eternity, I had already tried calling Y/N 20 times. However, without success and I had a damn bad feeling about it. After I opened the door to our room it didn't even take a second until I knew that she wasn't there anymore. I could simply feel it. She had left and she took a part of me with her. 

I plopped down on the bed and, now that I was alone, let the tears roll freely down my face. My eyes fell on something that gave my heart another deep stab. There on the nightstand was the necklace with the horseshoe pendant that I had given Y/N for Christmas.

At that moment I realized that all luck and happiness had left me and might never return.

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