When they finally reached the floor, Pete rushed towards the medical room and Sun had to catch up with him. They arrived at the room and saw Ae standing outside. "Ae, what happened?" Pete asked in concern. "Nahm tricked him. He was locked up in store room. When I found him, he was lying on floor almost lifeless." Ae stated. "Have you informed Ohm?" Pete inquired.

"No, if he comes to know, he will rush to meet Fluke and that might get Fluke in more trouble. Lay had been treating him. She said that he fainted." Ae spoke. All the three stood outside the medical room waiting for Lay to give some news.

After a while, Lay walked out with a relieved face, "He is awake." Lay informed. Ae rushed inside and saw Fluke looking around with confusion. "How are you feeling?" Ae asked. "Better. But how did I come here? I was locked inside the store room." Fluke stated. "I brought you here. Can you tell me what exactly happened?" Ae questioned.

Fluke narrated everything that happened right from him getting ready to leave office till he fainted in the store. Ae's hands clenched into fists as he heard everything. He felt like punching Nahm right at that moment.

Sun was listening to everything and then fished out his phone and did some clicks before giving it to Ae. "Is she Nahm?" Sun inquired. "Yes phi." Ae answered immediately as he saw the picture on phone.

"Then we have found the person responsible for hurting Fluke. This photo is of the person who had hired the spy and she is the one who had sent letter to your father." Sun spilled. "We were able to catch hold of the person who was spying for her. He gave us her photo and said that she had asked him to spy Fluke. Those pictures few years back were fake. Nahm had hired someone to photoshop them." Sun poured the information.

Fluke was stunned as he heard everything. He couldn't believe that Nahm would go to such an extent to hurt him. "I have the envelope that contains all the evidences against Nahm. But at present, it will be better to head back home. Fluke is going with us and will spend the night at our place. I don't want to risk his life by allowing him to stay at the apartment." Sun spoke. Fluke tried to protest but no one listened to him.

Finally, Fluke was sitting inside the car with Pete and Sun which was heading towards the Pitchaya mansion. Ae left for home and already prepared his reason for getting late. As expected, Ohm was waiting for him and asked if Fluke was back home safe. Ae assured him that the little boy was fine and then walked towards his room.

When Fluke reached Pete's place he didn't expected to feel at home. Everyone were so nice to him that he started to feel that he was part of the family. Yim was very happy having another cute uncle to herself and then asked Fluke to come along. She gave him a detour of the house and everyone watched the little girl in awe. Fluke too felt for the charm of the little girl.

After Ae got fresh, he went to meet his father who was busy in study room. "Por, we have found the culprit." Ae said approaching senior Intouch. "Who is he?" the father demanded. "Nahm! She is the one. And she also tried to hurt Fluke today. We have taken care of everything and he is staying at Pete's place for tonight." Ae stated. "Hurt? What did that bitch do?" Senior Intouch asked with anger.

He had already found the women getting on his nerve and now that he came to know that she had tried to hurt his son-in-law, he was filled with rage. Ae narrated the whole incident and the father slammed his fists on the desk while growling, "I am going to kill her."

"Por, calm down. We have to get her trapped so that we could proceed in this matter in a systematic way. Even a slightest mistake might get her alert." Ae tried to pacify his father. Just then, Ohm knocked on the door and entered the room. "What was that sound?" Ohm asked in concern. "Errr.... Book!!! The book felt down. Seems like the sound was too loud." Ae tried to cover up.

Ohm looked at his father and then at his brother but both of them didn't show him any sign that could get him suspicious. "Then... I'll go to bed. I am a bit tired." Ohm said and walked out of the room.

"Ae, what is your plan now?" The father asked after making sure that the elder son was out of hearing range. "I have already found the people involved in today's incident. So tomorrow when we reach the office, let's meet up in conference room. We'll call Nahm over there and try to interrogate her. And after she is done explaining herself, we will call the other people that were involved with her. In this way, even if she is lying, she won't be able to get away."

"P'Sun had already handed me the proofs. I'll make sure that Nahm is not able to see Fluke or the others when she reach office. I'll call Pete and ask him to get Fluke to the office when I give the signal." Ae put forth. "Great.... By the way, you didn't tell Ohm about what happened after he left?" senior Intouch asked.

"No, I didn't, mainly for two reasons. First, if I tell him now, he might get worried and try to contact Fluke or he might get angry and go and talk to Nahm. As far as I know, she is very cunning and will try to escape. Second, I want Nahm to see what Ohm can actually do if someone tries to hurt Fluke. Also, Ohm needs to know the person behind their breakup few years ago." Ae spoke.

"Hmmm... Let the women get some taste of Ohm's anger. She had been a big trouble since she joined the company." Senior Intouch said shaking his head. He was finally relieved after knowing that the person behind everything was out and now Ohm and Fluke won't have to worry anymore.

Pitchaya mansion:

Pete guided Fluke towards the guest room where he was going to sleep. Little Yim too accompanied her uncles. "Thank you P'Pete." Fluke was overwhelmed with emotions from all the love he was getting from Pete's family.

"Stop thanking me Fluke. We are going to be brother-in-laws and you are part of our family. And we protect our family." Pete tried to stop the little boy from thanking him all the time. "Ar'Fluke, you are just like my Ar'Pete, very cute!" Yim said making both the boys laugh.

"Little Yim is more cute than us." Fluke said pinching the nose of the little girl. She giggled and then pecked Fluke's cheek. "Fluke, tomorrow you need not hurry to go back to office. Ae had asked me to bring you to office after he gives me a call. I guess they are going to expose Nahm." Pete said.

"I didn't want things to go this way. I don't understand why she hate me so much." Fluke poured out. "It's not your fault Fluke, she is too full of herself. She never cares for anyone else except her. And we can never expect people like her to be good." Pete spoke.

Fluke hummed in response as he thought about everything that had happened till date. "It's late, you should go to sleep." Pete said picking up Yim. "Good night P'Pete and Yim" Fluke greeted. "Good night." The uncle and niece greeted in unison and left the room. Fluke sighed and lied down on bed trying to get some sleep.

My brother in law 2!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang