Chapter 23: How I Was Implicated In A Crime

Start from the beginning

Even if that is the case, I still don't get it. Is it really fear that's holding me back? What's there to be afraid of? If I can see the future and cast spells at the same time, that could only help. So why am I failing?!

"Ugh, I don't get it!" Kicking a rock, I cool off in the forest outside Sines. The repressed emotions, that I take pains to hide in public, come out as I let my frustrations go.

*Tap Tap*

"Ow Ow Ow..." Someone yelps in pain from down the trail. From the sounds of it, they're almost as irritated as I am. To be honest, I've had pretty much zero dealings with the local town-folk of Sines because I spend every day in my lessons. However, what little I've heard from Mark, does not exactly make me eager to meet my neighbors. Apparently, ever since I arrived on the day of the blood rain, there's been talk that I'm some sort of cursed child. Fortunately, Mark convinced Romy to let it go, or I think some of those gossipers would have experienced what a night ambush is like.

Mmm, I don't really want to get involved with these people. I'll just hide, I guess.

Sneaking into the sunlight-dappled roots, I use my small form to take advantage of a crevice between two big trees. There's a little hole in the connection of their two roots and I crouch down to perfectly conceal everything except the top of my head. Unfortunately, my hiding place has lots of bugs. While I've learned to become a lot more tolerant of creepy crawlies in my new life, the countryside is full of them.

" hurts. I hate them. I hate them. I HATE THEM." A childish voice curses. The person I heard, appears to be coming closer. They're heading this way! Getting even lower, though I think something is crawling on my leg, I do my best to ignore the itchy sensation developing on my neck, and see who is walking in the forest. Whoever it is, keeps talking to herself, "But I mustn't fight back..."

*Swish Swish*

I think it's a girl.

The newcomer crushes her way through the undergrowth, the same way a wounded beast would. However, despite the huge amount of noise she's making, it doesn't sound like a particularly large person from the voice. More like a child. Finally, when I peek my head over the top of the roots, I spot her. Carefully, I activate Foresight so I'll be warned if she ever catches me looking at her.

"Ow Ow Ow." The girl in question is small. She appears to be about the same age as me in this life, Maybe five or six. She's rubbing herself all over, shivering and holding herself. One glance makes it easy to tell why, although there are so many reasons that I struggle to count them all. Bruises...Jesus, that's a lot of bruises! Who beat her? Maybe, parental abuse? No...the wounds are too visible. An adult wouldn't be stupid enough to leave such obvious wounds. In that has to be bullying right?

Wait, hold on a minute?

What's on her head?

Is she...cosplaying?

" hurts. And then mother will yell at me for coming home like this again...I hate this town...!" The girl growls. Now that she's closer, I can focus on something other than the purple bruises splotching up her exposed skin. Her hair is a flaming orange color, and she's wearing an oversized ripped shirt typical amongst country people in this world. It's very big and probably covering a pair of shorts, although I can't tell since the hem pretty much goes down almost to her knees. However, her clothes aren't what's confusing me. Rather, the thing which I can't look away from is the pair of furry ears on top of her head. They're unmistakeably...

Cat ears. Then that means...Glacia wasn't lying...the cat people really do live among us! It's a freaking Khajiit! Wait...this isn't a game. What were they called again?

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