I was a Vegas Showgirl - Alternate Ending

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An original story by Julia Miller

Julia's note: I always had two endings for this story. I finally decided to go with the happier ending for part 6, but although this is a darker one, it's pretty good, so I figured I should post it as well. Let me know which ending you prefer.

At the end of our Honeymoon week, we were packing up in our room and checked out of the resort. We got on our jet back to Vegas, and arrived late afternoon. The paparazzi were waiting for us at the casino front entrance so we decided to go around to the rear. Joey was waiting for us at the front entrance. I texted him our change of plans and told him to meet us at the rear entrance. We pulled around to the rear of the casino and got out of the limo and were helping the driver unload our luggage when it happened.

A dark sedan pulled up behind us and two men with masks got out. They both pulled handguns and started shooting at us. Sammy saw immediately what was happening and pushed me behind him. They opened up on Sammy and he crumpled and fell to the ground, as well as the limo driver. They jumped back into their car and sped away.

I knelt down at Sammy's side, he looked at me and smiled, I love you kid, tell my lawyer to implement Plan B. He closed his eyes and sighed. I hurriedly got my phone out of my purse and dialled 9 1 1 and told the operator that my husband has been shot and is dying in front of me, please call an ambulance, we are at the rear entrance of the High Roller Casino. I didn't know what else to do. There was a pool of blood forming around Sammy and he was dying in front of me.

Joey rushed to my side, and asked me if I had been shot. I told him I was ok; Sammy had used himself as a shield to protect me from the gunfire. He looked at the pool of blood forming around Sammy, and checked for a pulse.

"He's still got a pulse Tammi, have you called 9 1 1?"

"Yes, an ambulance is on its way. Hang in there Sammy, don't let the bastard take you."

I kissed him and held his hand. It felt like hours but an ambulance arrived on the scene. By now people from the casino and other bystanders were gathered around us as the ambulance pulled up. The medics rushed over to Sammy and told me to stand back. They performed first aid to stop the bleeding, got him on a stretcher. Joey and I accompanied them to the hospital in the back of the ambulance. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene, but Sammy still had a pulse, though it was very weak.

On the way to the hospital, they were fighting to keep Sammy alive. His heart stopped once and they were able to defibrillate him to bring him back. We arrived at Emergency and they immediately wheeled Sammy into surgery to try and save his life. Joey and I were left alone in the waiting room, but soon other Casino managers started showing up. Trixie and June were there as well as most of the dancers and Sammy's casino management staff. We all waited and prayed together for Sammy to make it. I was getting a cup of coffee, not knowing what else I could do, and I remembered Sammy's last words to me before he closed his eyes. I asked Trixie if she knew the number for Sammy's lawyer and she sent it to my phone.

I called him up and he answered, "Hello this is Milton Schwartz."

I told him who I was, and Sammy had been shot. He replied that he had just seen it on the news. I gave him Sammy's message.

"I don't know what this means, but Sammy told me to tell you to implement Plan B. Do you know what this is?"

He told me it was a plan Sammy had drawn up in the event something like this happened to him and he would start Sammy's plan immediately. I wish you and Sammy the best of luck and I hope he can pull through this. But I have much work to do, and I will have to say goodbye. With that, he hung up the phone, leaving me to wonder what Sammy's plan was.

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