I was a Vegas Showgirl - Part 6 - Ending

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An original story by Julia Miller

Julia's Note: This is the last part of my story, but I have written two endings for it. This is the first ending. I will post the alternate ending next week.

It seemed that Sammy and I couldn't get enough of each other. I moved my things up into his penthouse and we began to live together. Sammy was such a joy to be around. He was always so considerate to me and treated me like a real lady. He never raised his voice at me, and always spoke quietly and lovingly to me. I had totally fallen for this man as well. Sammy was my rock; he was there for me whenever I needed him and I loved him for it.

My singing career both at the casino and as a recording artist had exploded. Tickets for my shows were the hottest item in Vegas and I was performing more shows a week than ever. I released my second album, and this was a live recording that we did in the casino lounge. It was so intimate, just a great album, and it went Platinum as well.

That year I was nominated in five Grammy categories, Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Best New Artist, and Best Jazz Vocal Album. Now as a jazz artist, I didn't expect to win any of the general awards, but Sammy and I flew to LA to attend the Grammys and I won Album of the Year and Best Jazz Vocal Album for my first album. I was happy I won a general category and gladly accepted the award with Sammy and Stuart.

Sure, the awards were great, but what was really great, was while we were on stage, Sammy went up to the microphone and instead of thanking everyone, he turned to me and simply asked me, Tammi, will you marry me? I was floored and immediately ran to the mic, and said YES! The audience went crazy and I think that moment was broadcast worldwide. Sammy then brought out this huge diamond engagement ring and placed it on my finger and we embraced.

We went to several of the after Grammy parties and had a great time while we were in LA. Everyone wanted to congratulate us on our engagement, the awards were now secondary. Once again, Sammy had put me on cloud 9 and I was so happy that the rest of that night was a blur for me. Sammy and I eventually made it back to our hotel and we had our own celebration that lasted most of the night.

The next day we got up late and ordered room service for brunch and once again celebrated my Grammy wins and our engagement. We both took a shower together and got ready to head back to Vegas. Sammy had booked us a private jet and we made it back to Vegas without any issue. We made it back to the casino and the press was waiting for us. We did a number of interviews, and no we hadn't set a wedding date, and yes, we were happy we won the Grammy awards. After we made it through the TV news and press gauntlet we returned to our Penthouse.

There was a message from Stuart who informed us that the record company had given me a number of jazz concert dates for the major jazz festivals that I would be attending during the fall. The recording company had set me up with a group of musicians who would travel and accompany me while on tour. It was going to be a lot of fun and I knew I was going to enjoy it.

The festivals I was attending would take place in September October and November. One of my favorite festivals was in Monterey I had attended it many times but never thought that I would ever headline it. Most of them were in the US, but there were going to be 3 festivals in Canada, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver.

I asked Sammy how he was going to manage without me around. He grinned and told me, I can get a jet and come out to watch you sing if I get lonely. And I knew he was serious. I love that man. We still hadn't set a wedding date, so I sat down with Sammy and asked him. We looked at the calendar, and thought a weekend during mid-January in Vegas would be a nice month, it's in the low season and we can get away for a honeymoon, maybe in Hawaii or Mexico.

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