I was a Vegas Showgirl - Part 4

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An original story by Julia Miller

It's been a month since I was brought by Sammy Giancana to his casino, in order for me to pay off my gambling debt to him. I have seemed to settle into a routine now. Trixie comes by in the morning, we go for breakfast, and then I am off to work out at the gym for a couple of hours. I have lunch and then it's over to the theatre to practice the dance moves with the other showgirls. June is telling me I am almost good enough to go into the show, but she figures another month of practice before I will be good enough to go on stage.

I am continuing with the hypnosis sessions with Carlson. He has put me in his hypnosis show twice a week now too and says he loves to work with me. I am not sure what these afternoon hypnosis sessions are doing to me, as I don't notice any difference in my personality, and I guess that is a good thing. Carlson won't really talk about it to me other than he tells me it's necessary for my transition to a woman. Tony seems to be my driver these days, and he acts like a puppy dog around me. I think he has a crush on Tammi, but he knows Sammy has told him that I am off-limits to him. And no one goes up against Sammy, not if they want to live. I was watching the morning news on TV while I was waiting for Trixie to arrive, and it seems a known mob associate was gunned down in Vegas last week. I don't know if it had anything to do with the 'other thing' and the briefcase at Big Lou's and I think it's better for me if I don't know. I noticed that Sammy attended one of Carlson's hypnosis shows. He was sitting at the back watching me. I guess he wanted to check up on me and see how I was coming along. Those shows embarrass me so much. Carlson is always making me do silly things for the show, and I don't have any control over what he will do. I am just glad the shows are G-rated.

Yesterday, after Carlson's last show, Trixie took me into a different lounge where they had a karaoke night. She somehow convinced me to go up and sing. I don't have the highest woman's voice, but I performed a blues song similar to the way Diana Krall sings. It seemed to go over with the audience really well. They all gave me a standing ovation and asked me to stay up and sing a few more songs. I gave them a great performance. After the last song, once again, I noticed that Sammy was standing in the back of the lounge watching me. I am sure he heard me sing a few numbers too. As I looked at him, he just turned and left the lounge.

I am continuing to take the hormones and I haven't really noticed any changes to my body, but it's only been a month now. I keep busy enough here in the casino, but I do miss my freedom. I don't know how long this captivity will continue, but I don't have any intentions of trying to escape. I have literally nowhere to go now. I want to now see how things will play out here. I don't make any kind of money right now, but I am getting everything given to me at this point. I don't know how long this situation will last, but I am trying to make the best of it.

After Trixie and I had breakfast this morning, she told me that Sammy wanted to see me in his office. We went upstairs and waited in reception until we could go in.

Sammy was sitting behind his desk and got up as we entered his office and approached his desk. He shook our hands and we both had a seat.

"Trixie, I want to commend you on your work with Tammi. She has come a long way in a month and we haven't had any issues arise with her. Good Work."

"Now for you, young lady, I heard you singing last night in the lounge. You have a great set of pipes, and you sound convincing as a musky-voiced female nightclub singer. We have been looking for a lounge singer who can accompany a pianist to entertain our guests. I think you might just fit the bill."

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