I was a Vegas Showgirl - Part 2

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An original story by Julia Miller

My alarm went off at 6 am. I slowly began to awaken. At first, I didn't realize where I was, and then it all flooded back. I was now working for Sammy Giancana at his casino until my gambling debts were paid off, and knowing Sammy, that was going to be a long time, if ever.

I walked over to the dresser and set up the little coffee maker with some water from the bathroom. I started it going and then took a shower. I came back out in my nice pink terry towel robe and sat on the bed, enjoying a fresh coffee.

As I was sipping it, I was thinking, I am now trapped in this life, and at the moment there is nothing I can do about it. If I try to resist or fight, it could go very badly for me. The deserts around Vegas contain the graves of many people who tried to go against these powerful men. I had no choice but to accept my present circumstances and maybe even try to enjoy them. I did love being Tammi, and even though this was not my choice, I had to make the best of it by becoming Tammi full time.

I put on my lingerie and went back into the bathroom to make myself up. I was getting pretty good at it, and put on Tammi's daytime face. I picked one of the new dresses out of the closet and pulled it on. Back to the bathroom I picked out a wig and pulled it over my wig cap.

I went back to the room and enjoyed a second cup of coffee.

At 8 am Trixie showed up and opened the room. "How did you sleep last night Tammi?"

"Better than I expected to, but I had been through a lot yesterday and I guess I was really tired."

"Well, I am glad you got a good night's sleep, let's go and get breakfast at the cafeteria."

I put on a pair of heels that matched my red dress and followed Trixie out of the room. She locked the door behind me and we made our way to the elevator.

The elevator doors opened again at the Casino, and I was beginning to realize, a casino is never closed. No matter what time of day, people are always present gambling, and the house always wins in the end.

We made our way over to the cafeteria. I picked up a fruit salad and a cup of yogurt and of course another coffee. We sat down and began our breakfast. Trixie told me I was going to have another busy day.

Once breakfast was over, she escorted me out of the casino into a waiting car, that took us over to a doctor's office. It was in a medical building on the second floor. There was no one in the waiting room when I entered. The Nurse told me to go right into an examination room. Trixie came in with me and we sat down beside each other.

The doctor entered and looked at my chart. I see you are a transsexual woman and you wish to start hormone therapy. I opened my mouth to object, and I felt Trixie tightly grab my knee.

"Yes, that is correct Doctor."

"You have a recommendation from a psychiatrist recommending HRT and it notes that you have been presenting as a woman for quite some time now."

I was wondering when that had happened but chose to say nothing. It was more of Sammy's doing I figured, and now I was beginning to realize about that last clause in my contract, and Sammy was intending on making me into a woman. To what end I didn't yet know, but there was nothing I could do at this point.

The doctor told me I needed to get blood work performed and gave me a requisition for lab tests, as well as a prescription for the drugs, spironolactone, estradiol, and progesterone. If there is something abnormal in your first round of tests, we will call you for a follow-up appointment, but if all is good, I will see you back in 3 months, and here is a second requisition for blood work to be performed on the week before your next appointment.

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