Ch. 01: A Nagging Snare

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It was early in the morning amid the jungle by the Cheow Lan Reservoir in Thailand. The canopy of the jungle shone in the sunlight beautifully. Down below, the local animals were roused by the warmth of the sun's rays to begin their morning ritual. Among the first noises were the melodious songs of the jungle birds within.

Lately though, this jungle became home to its most unusual creature yet. Reports of a peculiar creature roaming about were in the air. Eyewitnesses claimed it was some sort of... "Snake woman". For some, it caused quite a stir.

Yet it did little to deter a handsome soul in his twenties from taking a hike there.

Guess it was all just hearsay, those tales of a "snake woman", Thought Kaito confidently.

The azure haired, blue scarf wearing Kaito Shion had been visiting Thailand on vacation from work in Japan. Despite finding legends, myths, and religion interesting, Kaito wasn't the kind of person to buy into superstition. Far as he knew, science had a more prominent impact upon his philosophies. Thus with no sign of this snake-like being, he dismissed any thoughts about it.

Kaito had the looks that would drive both men and women crazy for attention. He prided himself on a healthy diet and a good exercise rhetoric. Beneath his white buttoned short-sleeved shirt was a lean, well-built body. Kaito's blue eyes often made girls of and below legal age seek ways to one day vie for his affections. Hence, he was an ideal man in his appearances.

On the other hand, he was often too busy to worry about relationships or even a love life. Besides, he favored being a bachelor.

With every step his sandal-clad feet, Kaito continued down the forest floor. Although he was well into the jungle and how hot and humid it was, he wasn't worried. For one, Kaito had a full canteen of water on his belt and a bento box in his duffle bag. As added insurance, he had a knife to mark trees and for self-defense. Therefore, Kaito would get his hike in and head back to civilization.

It was fifteen minutes into his stroll after entering the jungle that Kaito decided to take a break. With his body's metabolism set into motion by the hike, he decided to have his breakfast.

Sitting against a deciduous tree, Kaito opened his duffel bag to take out his bento box. Upon unsealing off the bento box, Kaito grasped the chopsticks next to his food to start eating.

Unbeknownst to Kaito, something high in the trees above stirred about.

"Hmm? I smell another one," A sibilantly feminine voice mused.

In minutes came a slow movement across the branches accompanied by the rustling of leaves.

On the ground, Kaito was focused more on his meal than the rustling above.

He thought out his next move while eating the last of his natto beans and grilled fish, I think I'll hike for two more miles. Then I'll backtrack to my car.

After eating slices of watermelon and the last of his steamed rice, Kaito proceeded to pack up the bento box.

"Ahh, that was delicious," He remarked contently.

With the bento box bagged up, Kaito resumed hiking along the forest floor.

All the while, the unseen eyes of the mysterious figure in the trees watched him.

"Drat, he's on the move," The figure fumed quietly, "I must wait until he's worn out."

Once Kaito was twelve steps away, the mysterious being followed again in the trees. The former was still unaware, losing his mind in the beauty of nature.

As he walked, Kaito had a serene look upon his face. Rural Thailand was a good getaway. The air was a lot cleaner, the food was tasty, and some interesting people to meet! And to top it off, this jungle was beautiful with all its vibrant flora.

Bodies of Monsters, Hearts of HumansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora