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He got up and ran to her room while tears of him fell. He saw her sleeping peacefully cuddling their blanket. Sunlight through the window reflected on her bare face as she groaned a little trying to bear with the extreme lightening sun rays. Her bare face was glowing with the reflecting sun rays. Her features were expressing themselves by glistening with sun rays. As if sun is showering her with its rays to bloom freshly and spreading sweet scent. More tears fell Taehyung’s eyes staring her.

“Someone I loved once and still love maybe more now left me with enough fantasies and imaginations to portray to my readers through words and still I am fantasying about him sitting here. You know he is just like this air which we inhale and without inhaling this air we can’t live. This air just intertwines with my each breath which I take and help me to live. He is like the sea shore which my each pore feels when it rambles making loud sounds. He is like the sky full of stars but his smiles are the shooting stars which delights my whole heart and rains when he cries wrecking my whole self. Everywhere I feel him and it grows my craving for him and by that effect my fingers work”

He remembered her words that night. he leaned towards her covering the sun rays which was disturbing her sleep.

“nah, he is not my boyfriend. he didn’t know I existed  but maybe now knows. It is very much complicated. He doesn’t know yet that I love him.”

Her words flashed near his ears as he sat on the edge of the bed feeling so much in guilt and overwhelm because he was the one whom she loved and experienced such amount of pain but buried inside. what is she made of? He was feeling too much of emotions and they were absolutely overflowing. He can’t express how he was feeling, like his heart is being caged by those pictures, words, poetries of her which had him in it. how lucky he was feeling because nobody did that for him ever. How can she have no limit? Nobody loved him like that. She was happy until he is happy but deep inside she was hurting but she kept quiet.

“He was ripped from inside as if something inside was tarnishing. I had to hold that broken pieces which was tarnishing. I had to heal his wounds because his wounds were killing me”

He buried his face on his palm and cried silently. She was only there to heal his wounds and would have left him with a smile on her face bearing all those hurt alone. How could have she handled this miserable pain? How could she handled separation because she lived without him these years, she just selflessly loved him but didn’t want him that’s why she doesn’t have any expectations towards him because she valued him not their relationship. She valued his love not her choices.
  “I really can’t see his tears. You know when he cried in my arms every night, it felt like my bones were breaking the pain was unconditional, I couldn’t even cry with him as I don’t want to be weak in front of him. he loves someone else”

He remembered her words and cried more in guilt because he had said he really wants Angel and she silently endured that much terrible pain. How could she? How can someone love someone like that? That seeing the person you love with someone else makes anyone happy unless that someone is happy. she wanted his happiness and wellbeing and nothing else for her own. No demands, no expectations only she gave away her everything to him but never wanted anything for herself.

She heard someone sobbing lightly so she fluttered her eyes and saw him burring his face on his palm. She got worried and immediately went and sat on his lap.

“wh..what happened Taehyung? Why are you crying?”

She caught Taehyung off guard as he embraced her self back and buried his face on her neck and bursted into crying.

“tell me nah why the hell are you crying? its 11 am? Why haven’t you left yet? Don’t you have work today? what is happening?”

He kept crying as her heart was pinching sharply seeing him crying and hearing him whimpering painfully

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