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4 hours later
“Yeah yeah Aerum, I am here with her. Don’t worry. She is stable now. We will be back by morning”
Jackson talked to Aerum as Angel was still standing outside Taehyung’s ICU cabin. Her messy self was indicating everyone that she cried like there were no tears left inside her socket. Her eyes were blood shot red. Her eye patels had still water drops falling. Her cheeks were dampening already. Hairs were messed up looking like the hairs of some maniac. Her clothes had dried blood stains and arms, fingers and cheekbone had also blood stain. She didn’t care.
She didn’t talk to anybody from the BTS. They were standing a little far because it would be awkward to talk to a firl with whom Taehyung associated. But they felt pity because they had stopped crying a long time ago but Angel never stopped crying, her painful whimpers were breaking something inside their hearts. They were trying to handle each other but she was alone. Even Jackson went near her to console her but she didn’t budge from her place and never took her eyes off Taehyung’s lifeless self. How could she explain why she was this much broken and how brutally she was feeling? Because nobody knows about them. Besides now her priority was Taehyung’s safety and nothing else.
The doctor came out a few minutes later and said
“We have to undergo with 3 surgeries, one on his backbone, one on his head, one on left arm which almost dislocated from his shoulder. We have given him high sedatives to lessen the pain and infections and high dose of anesthesia for him to sleep and not feel bone breaking wrecking pain.”
She breathed out heavily as she looked at Namjoon. Namjoon nodded and patted her back saying
“don’t worry..he will be alright”
She nodded trying hard to control her uncontrollable sobs. She was terrified hearing 3 surgeries.
“Jimin, what is your name?”
She looked at Jimin who had the prettiest eyes among all of them. These eyes are now swollen out of excessive crying. She nodded and said
“ A….angel …..”
She whispered slowly.
He nodded as his laughing charm was all gone due to crying and worrying about his friend.
“how are you related to Taehyung?”
Hoseok asked coming forward
“I am ..his….i am ….umm…f..friend”
“But we haven’t heard from Taehyung that he has some friend whose name is angel.” Jungkook snarled
She was getting uncomfortable hearing their questions.
They were surrounding around her as Jackson came forward
“guys guys let’s give her some time to be free hmm?”
They nodded to Jackson’s words. they were also looking pale and dead worried for their friend. She went to a corner and bursted into crying again as if her grief was not ending instead giving her more pain. She was worried for Taehyung. As if she was feeling bone breaking pain not Taehyung. As if her skin had deep cuts not his. She was trying to understand how terribly Taehyung is in pain. Her heart was tearing apart.

To be continued

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