❝ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍?┇𝟏𝟑 ❞

192 19 6

{ Best read in dark mode but it's ur choice !






The school bell start ringing in such a nice melody, the sakura trees start blooming too alongside with a warm weather today. The birds chipping in a calm melody. Today must be a good day!

But, infact it's opposite for [Name]...

Yeah she stayed up all night until 3 a.m just to read her favourite Weebtoon.

You can tell by her face, does she regret it? Nah, but does is worth it? Quiet the opposite..

The girl settled down on her sit. After Kaito had dropped her off she couldn't stop yawning and the fact that Kuroo try to tease her while walking is stringy enough.

She groaned,"Ugh, why today is such a messy day?","Oh maybe because you stay up late pfft" suddenly a familiar voice come broke in her residence.

She tilted her head and look like her guesses are right. It's the boy from yesterday. The blonde with his lame headphone alongside with his green-onion friend.

She turned her gaze towards the window, resting her head on the table,'Ugh what does he want now?'

"Now now don't be rude "

"Shut up french."


His obs widening at the word. Before he could response he laughed.

"oh my looks like I got a nickname pretty quick huh?"

She ignored him, obviously didn't want a fight.

"— hey? Are you hearing me? Huh, look life you've gone deaf after getting all attention from the boys yesterday?" The words rolled off from his tip tongue teasingly, but it's enough to get her attention.

She lifting her head from the table, eyes darted towards the man that standing in front if her.

'How dare he!' she grinned her teeth,forming a fist.

Calming herself before she could burst, turn left and right looks like no one in class right now.

Before he could spoke again, karma strikes him right in front of him,she stood up while pointed her index finger to him

"You! Don't you dare say that again! If I ever heard you gossiping about me I'll kick your +#+#(#(£-@))@!";(#!!"

The boy didn't seem to bother infact he smirk and leave as if it was her fault to begin with. His green-onion friend begin to sweat telling him to apologize but he simply said 'brush if off, it's not like she can do anything, she later will come beg' while swinging his palm.

They wasn't unaware that the fact there was a group of peoples watching them. One whisper to another one and the rest of the groups seems to agree.

While she finished her sudden-out burst, there was no sign of them nowhere to be seen. She crossed her hand carefully try not to wrinkle her hijab, "That fries, I'll come at you this lunch and make you beg for me" she smiled evily.

Her smile disappear once the door slided, revealed a dark- blue haired guy from yesterday, an unpleasant memory came in her sight. She deadpanned.

Their eyes came in contact, then silent come approach.

They break off an eye contact that could not even last 5 seconds, even though [Name] didn't feel anything the boy seem to blushed but from what?

Before she could walk away from him, he broke the silence,"Uhm, you towel head." He pointed at her turning back

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