chapter 17

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"Byakugan battle"

Naruto spread some of the ointment that hinata gave him. He was impressed by how well the ointment did for his wounds but in reality, it was just the kyuubi doing the work.

Naruto:this ointment works really well dattebayo! Here! Do you want to use it too, sakura chan?


Y/n:(sweatdrop) *only your wounds heal with such speed, naruto... The power of the kyuubi never cease to amaze me...*

As y/n thought of that, he shifts his left hand, with the others not knowing that there was a seal on the back of his hand that was covered by his glove. He eyed the seal that was underneath the glove with a serious face. Y'all must be wondering when he got that seal well, he got that seal when he was with pregnant kushina


Y/n was playing around in the living room with kushina who was looking after y/n while minato was cooking in the kitchen.

Kushina suddenly felt the baby kicked so she called y/n who was staring at her stomach wondering why it was moving slightly. Y/n moved towards and sit beside his mother on the sofa. Kushina gently takes his son's hand and placed them onto her stomach.

Kushina:look y/n, its your ototō kicking. Can you feel it...?

Y/n:hai kaachan! But... Why did ototō kicked ur tummy?

Kushina:(giggles) well, babies like your ototō inside kaachan's tummy, kicked because its a great exercise for their muscles and limbs.

After kushina said that y/n looked at his mother's stomach in happiness because knowing now that his ototō is healthy. After awhile of rubbing his mother's stomach his hand suddenly feel like its started to burn that causes him to yelp in pain before he let go of his mother. He clutched his burning hand earning his name to be yelled by his parents in worry as they dash towards y/n who was now on the floor clutching his left hand.

Minato:Y/n?! What's wrong?!

Minato noticed that y/n was holding onto his left hand painfully, he then asked for his hand which made y/n immediately gave him his hand towards his father. Minato and kushina looks at their son's hand and now was shocked to see the kyuubi's seal on the back of his left hand.

Both couple immediately went to action with kushina embracing and comforting y/n while minato seal the kyuubi's chakra from leaking out which made y/n yell more in pain.

Kushina:just hold on y/n and the pain will go away, i promise...

After sealing the kyuubi's chakra, y/n fainted from the pain of the sealing session. When y/n woke up he realized that he was in a different place. He tried to call for his mother and father but there was no answer so, he decided to take a glance at the place to see where he is.

After awhile of looking at where he is, y/n suddenly felt a slight warm breeze around him, coming from behind him. He slowly turns to look to see what were the sources of the warm breeze only for him to freeze in fear once he saw whats the cause of the breeze.

The Blossoming love {m.reader x sakura} DiscontinuedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant