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"Sweetie...,please come out...You haven't came out of the house for 3 days now...You're starting to worry me..." mom said from outside

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed

How could she betray me? How could Y/n out of all people betray me!

How could she get close with Chanhee? How is Y/n out of all people was able to catch his heart?

Chanhee too.

How can he fall in love with that Y/n? That mere Y/n!

What did she even have?

She has nothing compared to me.

I have money. I have fame. I have beauty! What else does he want from me?!

Y/n won't even date him!

That's it for my love. It turned to become anger.

"Honey...let's come out and talk about something..."

I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed myself.

I smiled and opened the door. Mom and dad's face was showing concerns.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

"Yeah...what was it that you wanna talk about?"

"Let's go down"

I followed my parents down and sat at the sofa in front of them.

"Chanhee's dad just send me a message...He is rejecting the marriage proposal. He said Chanhee has interest in someone else and he didn't want to stop how happy he was..."

It must be Y/n. It has to be.

"Ah~Don't worry" I smiled

"You're okay with it?"

No of course not

"Yeah! Chanhee told me that countless of times so..."

"Thank god you're fine! I was worried that you're gonna be stuck in your room for weeks"

"Nah~I'll go out first. Take some air" I told them and took my car keys and some essential items then walked out.


"Choi Chanhee! Open this damn door!" I knocked

"Chanhee!" I knocked again

"Aish~! What do you want!"

I pushed through him and sat at the sofa. I eyed everywhere inside the house and saw some signs that someone else lived here. A female.

The long black hair at the sofa, the junk food on the table, accompanied by the two large drinks. Another slipper by the door.

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