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"This is your house?!"


"This is such a big house for only one person to live in"

"That's why I invited you to stay here. I'm not home most of the time so you can be comfortable"

He guided me up the stairs and to a room. He opened the door and it was big.

The boxes were placed neatly on the floor. The duvet and pillow case was a cute plaid design and the sheets was a light grey color.

"Then I'll leave you to unpack. If you need anything I'll be downstairs in the kitchen. The bathroom is next to the closet" before he could close the door I called him.

"Chanhee! Thank you. Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing" he smiled then closed the door.

I placed my bag on the desk and looked around.

The walk-in closet was very spacious and the bathroom was very gorgeous!

I sat down at the bed and was instantly met with comfort. I laid back and sighed of comfort.

Every part of my body was sore and in pain. Especially my leg.

I stood up and walked over to the boxes then started unpacking.


After an hour of of unpacking-mostly clothes and books-until Chanhee knocked on the door.

"Y/n, I just finished cooking. Come downstairs snd eat first" he smiled


I followed him to the dining room and saw Jajjangmyeon on the table, beautifully decorated.

"Oh my god Chanhee! This is so beautiful! How am I supposed to eat this"

"Take a picture while it last" He laughed

I took out my phone and snapped a photo of the jajjangmyeon, prettily.

"Thank you for the food!"

While eating, we had a friendly conversation like meeting an old friend. It was as if we had a lot to catch up on.

"What is your plan tomorrow?"

"I have to go to work early in the morning and will probably finish around late at night"

"Night? You have work all day?"


"What about your class?"

"Oh, I took a couple weeks of break from it"

"You know you should rest for a while, right?"

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