The villainess plays the villain in all of the female protagonist's routes no matter who they choose as their partner. It's the opposite for on the male protagonist's end, the main antagonist, or final boss, depends on which female lead's route the player decides on.

But there is also a universal antagonist, one that the player fights no matter what route or story they're on. The demons and their worshippers. They act as mid game boss fights or natural enemies seen throughout the world.

During the first big demon fight, Robin, my character and who I am now, is scripted to die in the background during a cutscene. I was going to reach that point and survive no matter what.

On the path there I will be living the mob life, blending into the shadows as best I can. But at this point, I think doing the opposite will be more effective. Maybe I can play a character that gets along with all of his fellow mobs and survive together through our scripted deaths.

Yeah, that's not happening. I don't think making friends is possible with my personality.

Looking inside of myself, I'm a pretty shitty person. Thinking about everyone as simple pieces with no remorse for them as long as I live. All for some self imposed goal.

I feel this world losing its brightness as these thoughts cloud my mind. An all too familiar feeling of slowly sinking with no one to pull me up.

I can't even say I got through that phase of my life, I truly am fit for a worthless mob.

Grace: "What has gotten you so down again?" She asks startling me out of my thoughts.

Robin: "My apologies, I just started overthinking again." I say flatly.

And I wasn't lying, my thoughts always tend to drift towards a dark path when I start to think too much.

Grace: "I sense that that will be a reoccurring problem of yours. Here's a tip, don't think about the future and focus on having as much fun as possible in the present." She grins looking around her and at the students who fear her.

The present...I feel like I live in the past and future much more than the present. But I can't imagine myself just moving on from the past and not plan for the future. That's what I've been doing this entire life. I worked as hard as possible so I could survive my future to get over my past.

What else have I really done other than live for myself?

Grace: "There you go again, O-ver-think-ing." She says tapping her head with each syllable. "I need to teach you how to have fun so you can get your mind off of things." She smiles.

Robin: "I think our definition of fun is very different." I say thinking about what I know about her.

Grace: "Hmm, you might be correct about that." She says with a thinking look. "How about you tell me something you find fun then."

Robin: "I would have to think about that."

Grace: "No you don't silly." She giggles. "Here, just answer the question as fast as you can."

Robin: "What questi-"

Grace: "What do you like to do?" She says quickly.

Robin: "Cook." I say reflexively. I blink in surprise.

Grace: "See? It's that easy." She giggles.

Robin: "Is it really that easy?" I mumble.

The rest of the walk is silent while I try to comprehend this amazing trick Grace has shown me. I do notice in the corner of my eye Grace looking at me with a smug smile.

Not Just The Side Characterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें