"Shall we go"
He asked pulling away and going into kiss me

I put my hand on his chest and pouted

"Your gonna get red lipstick all over you"
I laughed

"I don't care"
He shrugged

"Hold on"
I said going over to my bag and digging through it

"What are you doing"
He asked

I said grabbing a makeup wipe and walking back over to him

"Go ahead"
I smiled

He laughed and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him and kissed me softly

He pulled back and sighed

I just laughed because now he had lipstick on his lips

I said going to wipe it off but he just kissed me again but this time harder

Kurt grabbed one of my legs and lifted it up so it was resting on his hip

The kiss evolved into a more passionate kiss and I couldn't help but smile

But that broke the kiss so
good one y/n

I just wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again

He put his hand on my thigh and slid it up underneath my skirt so it was now on my ass

Kurt broke the kiss and I wiped the lipstick off his lips and hugged him

"Let me just fix mine then we can leave"

"Can you bring makeup wipes"
He asked

I nodded my head and went to the mirror and cleaned it up and put a little more lipstick on

While I was doing so I felt Kurt lift up my skirt

"And by the way these aren't underwear"
He laughed pulling lightly on the back of my g-banger
(Or thong if your American or whatever)

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes

"Are you shaming me Cobain?"
I asked in a serious tone but only joking 

"No I was only kidding,
I don't care what you wear it's not up to me"
He said quickly pulling my skirt back down

I laughed and turned around to him

"I know I know"
I smiled as he kissed my cheek

"You know I don't mind because I'm gonna be the one with you on my lap"
He smiled

I laughed and went over to my bag and just put in the necessities like: makeup wipes, money, keys, cigarettes and a switchblade

You can never be to safe

I pulled my smaller platforms on
(Again feel free to change it) and grabbed kurts hand and walked out of his apartment and got in the car and of course I'm the one who has to drive

Kurt Cobain                                   And I Love HerWhere stories live. Discover now