Everything about Yoon Seri's posture screamed emotional indifference to what she planned to do. Her eyes were dark, a wordless threat to anyone who would dare stand in her way.

Tonight, she was out for blood, and she couldn't care less about reigning in her blinding, white fury.

Every step she took towards the house was deliberate, a purposeful removal of control over her suppressed grief. The warning in her eyes was as sharp as a sword freshly sharpened for a long battle ahead.

The devil's red dress billowed around her like the flames of her anger that were not ebbing away any time soon. Anger was a beautiful colour on Yoon Seri, but there was no denying that Sang-ah was in for a night of rage and pain.

It didn't take long for Yoon Seri to find the monster and she certainly wasted no time in cornering her after she had fought off her morality guardians.

As a devil, she couldn't touch a human, but she could most certainly speak to one. All she had to do was to whisper against her ear, knowing that words could wield as much pain as a knife when it came to the matters of the heart.

"Are you seriously pleased about how you tore a family apart?" Seri bit out harshly against Sang-ah's ears.

If Sang-ah showed any signs that she heard the devil, it was sickening knowing that she could keep her face impassive as she swirled a glass of red wine in her hands.

But Seri was persistent if anything.

"You're sick in the head, you know that? How could you look Haneul in the eyes, knowing that you were going to murder her?"

This time, Sang-ah hands noticeably started trembling although her gaze remained empty as she stared out of her window. Still, Seri continued, wielding her only weapon to deal justice upon this woman.

"You don't deserve to live. You murdered a child. You murdered a family. How could you not feel any semblance of guilt over what you did?"

And as she continued to speak, those hot, angry tears fell relentlessly down Seri's face, for this was a crime that was unforgivable. Even when the glass Sang-ah was holding clattered to the ground and the woman started sobbing, Seri never stopped.

Her final words to Sang-ah was spoken with untainted ferocity because each word that left Seri's mouth was carefully crafted to deliver pain to the true devil.

"I will never forgive you. You deserve to rot in hell."

Sang-ah collapsed at the weight of Seri's words, sobbing hard as she tore at the pain in her heart. For the first time since the accident, Sang-ah could feel Seri's pain; a mother's pain. A pain that was indescribable because there were truly no words to describe a mother who had lost her child.

To be blessed with a gift from heaven, only to have it ripped away from you was cruelty beyond what could be measured in every single lifetime. The pain was one that even the devils and angels, who had been promised eternal happiness couldn't withstand.

Good, she finally understood the weight of her crimes.

Cold and indifferent to the woman's pure anguish, Seri would have continued tormenting her if Sang-ah's devil didn't step in then, having recovered from Seri's wrath.

"What do you think you're doing?! You're going to break her!" He shouted, tackling Seri to the ground.

The pair of devils struggled against each other as they unleashed their anger in its blown-out proportion, for they suddenly didn't even know why they were this angered towards each other. Feathers were ruffled, some drifting to the ground, quivering under the heat of the battle.

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