chapter 4

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We heard one of the crew member's walkie-talkies say, " Flight delayed by 10 hours.".

While he was worried about informing passengers, everyone could hear him as most passengers, including Yash and me, were in the waiting area.

A man roared with arrogance, "what the hell? I was supposed to attend an important meeting, but because of the first delay, I had to postpone it with several requests, and now the flight has been delayed again, and I have to miss my meeting just because of you guys.".

"Our team sincerely apologises. Please sit down. We will make some arrangements." the crew member said.

From Delhi to Bangalore, how long would it take now? It had already been four hours since we waited.


" I understand, dear. You can sleep on my lap if you are willing to." I suggested.

He laid his head on my lap and slept the next minute. God! He is so different from me. After I lay down on my bed, I take hours to sleep. probably, even I used to do the same when I was a kid. I used to fall asleep around 6 pm itself. 

Kids are hyperactive all day, drained quickly, and fall asleep early due to exhaustion.

Viewing the twilight outside, I wondered. My life is the same. I have both darkness and happiness. It is hard to decide if I should miss my family or be excited about the joy ahead, and the happiness of becoming a mother. I wish to adopt a child, but not without the child's consent. If the child accepts me, I'll be taking the child with me. I don't want to impose pressure on anyone the same way, I had been forced to hide the truth and accept Sidharth's marriage proposal.

Yash tingled his head subconsciously 

" There's a hotel near the airport and we have booked rooms for all of you. We request you to stay there tonight and the charges will be provided by us. We also promise that your journey to be continued tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and cooperation" one of the attendees said.

I tried to wake up Yash but he was in a deep sleep. He was quiet while he was sleeping. That innocent puppy face made my lips curve. I did not want to disturb his sleep. I tried to carry him, but unfortunately, a nine-year-old boy is heavy enough. I didn't know how to wake him up. finally, I called out for his name.

"Yash? " I patted his hand.

no response

"Yash!" "Yash! wake up, we gotta go" I loudly whispered.

"five minutes more please, then I will get ready for school, mamma," he said subconsciously in half-sleep.

the last word of his sentence MAMMA brought goosebumps to my skin. for a moment I felt he was my son calling me mamma. then I came back to reality. I wish I had such a child like him.

I feel so unlucky about my inability to become a mother.

can't I ever become a Mother? Is it necessary for me to give birth to my child?

I don't think so. if I could, I would. but that's not possible.

so, will I at least have the chance to become a mother of someone else's child?

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