Chapter 7 ~ Victorian on the Loose

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"Are you sure?" Becker asked.

"Yes for the fifth time Becker I'm positive, she can't remember anything," Anna replied, getting frustrated now. She hated lying to them but Emily had made her sware not to tell anyone. Anna, Becker, Matt and Abby all stood in a hospital corridor, discussing the situation with Emily.

"She knew how to handle those creatures back through the anomaly," Matt intervened.

"Perhaps it was protective instinct. We've all been there." She lied again, "Look, Matt, you said she hit her head, that's why she can't remember much. Yes the antibodies are strange but that's not proof for anything."

"I'm taking her into protective custody." Becker said.

"You're what?" Matt asked.

"As you said, she clearly isn't from our time, she could be infectious, hostile, psychotic."

"Absolutely not"

"We take her in, keep her secure and let the experts deal with her."

"Hand on we're the experts," the two of them were not shouting at each other, Matt wasn't backing down, "Look, she's not a creature, she's a human being."

"I didn't bring her here, whatever happens to her is not my responsibility,"

"In my judgement we have to treat this with some sensitivity."

"In your judgement," Becker turned sarcastic.

"Go on why don't you just say it?" Matt snapped, narrowing his eyes.

"Fine. You chasing her through the anomaly put everyone at risk. I've seen too many people die that way."

"Oh will the pair of you just shut up!" Anna yelled, they both turned to her, "God! I come back from a year in the Cretaceous thinking that everything's going to be back to normal, only to come back and find you two squabbling like a pair of school boys. Grow up!"

Jess spoke through the earpieces, "We have an incursion at the theatre, one man down. I repeat, we have an incursion."

"Great. One man down," Becker sighed, "Nice work." He ran off down the corridor.

"You stay here. See what you can find out about her." Anna said to Matt and Abby. Then followed Becker down the hallway, "Becker!"
As Matthew walked through the door to Emily's hospital wing he found a guard on a stood, with a nurse treating a cut on the back of his head. Emily had gone.
When the black car pulled up outside the theatre, Anna and Becker climbed out once more, each taking and EMD from the back and switching it on, a small buzzing sound emanated from their guns.

"I'm guessing that you and Matt aren't the best of friends then?" she asked him.

Becker laughed, for once, "Well spotted. Matt's OK but it wasn't the same, having him leading the team instead of you or Quinn. Can I ask you something?"

Anna nodded.

"What happened, back through in the Cretaceous. When you first went through, what happened with Helen?"

Anna sighed, she had wondered how long it would be before he asked about it, "We got split up, a group of raptors cut us off from each other. Abby and Connor managed to stay together but Danny and I were separated. Then I ran into Helen."

Becker tensed a little wondering what had happened between them.

"And.. Well, we had a fight, somehow I brought up the topic of Cutter and she lost it. So did I though. She stabbed me, in the shoulder. Then left me there to die."

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