Chapter 5 ~ Shipwrecked Kaprosuchus

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The ARC garage door was wide open and a guard stood by the threshold, "Oi! You!" He said as Anna took a key from the wall, "You cant' take that,"

"Them how am I supposed to get home? I'm staff, Ask Jess?" The guard type something on a device and it beeped in reply. The guard nodded and Anna climbed in the black Mitsubishi. She drove straight out of them garage and under the barrier that was opened for her.

"Abby!" Anna yelled knocking at the door. The front door to the apartments was open and after taking the lift up to the top floor where her house was. Normally you don't knock at you own house but the door was locked. When the door opened Abby apologized for locking it but Anna made her follow her down the stairs and into the car.

"What's going on Anna?"

Anna explained the call and that Connor had found something.
The docks were silent apart from the creaking of the boats, Anna hoped that nobody at the ARC had really noticed her disappearance, especially Becker.

"So what have you found?" Anna asked Connor as soon as she found him, ignoring the loving 'hello' that Abby gave him. "You remember Duncan, right?" Connor asked.

Anna and Abby turned to see Duncan, one of Connor's geeky friends stood looking at them. He wore a long cream coat, brown boots, a colourful scarf and hat, he looked like a homeless person, "Hi" Anna tried to sound pleased to see him but was unsure, "You do know it's summer?" Anna said before realising, shocked at his clothing.

Duncan simply looked down at his clothing and shrugged his shoulders, making his glasses bounce upon his nose.

Duncan turned to Abby, "Are you like his girlfriend now?" he asked in his plain tone, his lisp sounding worst than ever. Abby nodded, smiling confidently, then looking to Connor.

"It's through here," Connor led then through a pile of rubble and into what looked like a levelled car park. Of course it was no longer in use, the walls were crumbled at it was in the centre of a construction site. The lower floor was where they stood and ripped dust sheets hung from the walls, the ground was covered in piles of gavel and inactive machinery. It was dark; the daylight was blocked by the dust sheets and huge piled of rubble. "That's weird," Connor stared at an empty space on the floor, all they could see was a high vis jacket lying on the floor, "It's gone, the body's gone. The creature must of come back for it,"

"So what makes you think it was a creature attack?" Anna asked.

"Er Lateral incisions, the throat had been torn out. There was a chunk gnawed out of his side and his left leg was pretty much hanging by a thread," Connor explained in perfect, graphical detail, making Abby screw her face up.

"So not natural causes then," Anna summed up his explanation.

Voices arose from behind them as the workmen had clearly come to continue their work., "Connor, Connor get rid of them!" Abby whispered.

Anna, Connor, Abby and Duncan walked towards the workmen separating just before they met them, "How am I supposed to....... Health and Safety Board, mate. There's structural damage in here. You're going to have to get your men out now." Connor asked.

It was impressive to see him acting mature and responsible for once but the workers were not convinced, "You're not Health and Safety," The head worker spat.

Abby strode right up to his face, not that she was that intimidating due to her size, but her tone was harsh, "Trust me, it's not safe in here for you to work,"

"Blondie, go home, I'm not convinced. Sand take you crew with you," he said, glancing at the others, "I'm not sure where Macca's taken off to. I want this lot torched." he ordered his men, pointing towards the largest rumble pile.

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