Everyone had decided of going for a small walk along the beach. The couples were getting all lovey-dovey and Pond was grumbling all the time. Don't blame the poor guy for it. His girlfriend's father was against him being with his daughter and he always made him stay away from her.

Ohm made Fluke sit on the nearby bench since the little boy was finding it difficult to walk. Pete saw the action and whispered something to Ae and then headed straight towards the little boy.

"Ohm, do you mind if I sit with Fluke and talk to him for a while?" Pete asked walking forward. "Umm... I don't mind. You can have a talk. I'll just give company to Ae." Ohm said and then left the two.

Ohm walked away and Pete made himself comfortable next to Fluke. "Are you feeling alright?" Pete inquired to which the little boy nodded in response. "Was he rough?" Pete asked in concern. Fluke blushed and looked down at his hands while he replied in a very low tone, "No, he was gentle. But it was my first time so I feel little sore."

"I have some painkillers. I'll just inform Ae that we are returning back to room." Pete said and then fished out his phone and called Ae. Ae, who was standing far away from them saw Pete's name flashing on his cell phone and looked at his fiance in confusion. He picked up and the call and placed the phone against his ear. "Hello Love. What is it?" Ae asked.

"Ae, I am taking Fluke back to the room. He needs some painkillers." Pete kept it short. Ae understood what his lover was implying to and spoke, "Okay, let me know if you need something."

Pete hummed in response and then disconnected the call and helped Fluke get up. Both the boys then walked back to the room.

Pete held the door of their room open for the little boy allowing him to enter. Fluke stepped in and Pete closed the door behind and guided him towards the couch. He made the little boy sit and then went to get the medicines that he had kept in the nightstand. He brought the tablets and a glass of water and handed it over to Fluke.

The little boy took the medicine and gulped them down with few sips of water. He leaned against the couch making himself comfortable. "Is it same with you and P'Ae? Are you also sore?" Fluke asked innocently. "Ummm... I am a bit used to it now. But I carry medicine along to be on safer side." Pete explained.

"Ohm helped me to have a warm bath and it did help to ease most of the pain. There's a slight throbbing so I limp a bit while walking." Fluke stated. "It's alright. It's not that obvious. Only me and Tar will be able to tell that you both did something." Pete assured. "How come you knew?" Fluke asked in confusion. "Well, I have been through same." Pete replied and winked.

Both the boys sat on the couch talking to each other. Pete even discussed about some of the wedding stuff with Fluke and the little boy helped him with few things. Fluke seem to feel much better after he took the painkillers.

After spending sometime at the beach, Ohm and Ae decided of heading back to check on their lovers. Ae knew why Pete had left with Fluke but still he couldn't stay away from his cute lover. Ae opened the door of their room and found both the guys talking to each other.

It seemed like they were lost in their own conversation and didn't notice the two entering. Ae walked towards Pete while Ohm made his way towards Fluke. Pete was stunned when he felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked back only to see Ae smiling at him.

Ohm sat down beside Fluke and wrapped his hands around the little boy. "How are you feeling?" He asked in concern. "Much better. P'Pete gave me some medicines. It eased up most of the pain." Fluke replied. Ohm smiled and pecked Fluke's cheeks while resting his chin on his shoulder. He loved cuddling up with his lover.

Ae kissed Pete's forehead and then sat down next to him pulling him against his chest. Pete smiled and rested his back on Ae's chest while Ae sniffed his hairs. "You need something to eat?" Ae inquired. "No Ae..... I am fine." Pete replied in soft tone and snuggled closer to Ae.

All the four boys knew that the time of returning back is approaching and they didn't wanted to leave. Things were going to get back to the normal routine when they reach back and they wouldn't have enough time to spend with each other. So, they wanted to appreciate whatever little time they had together.

After a while, Ae got a call from Ping asking them to join the gang for lunch. Ae then informed the rest and they left the room, heading towards the restaurant for lunch.

The meal was lively since everyone kept talking and teasing each other. Fluke had a great time with everyone and this seemed to be one of the best trips of his life. He loved being with gang that made him feel that he was a part of it. After lunch everyone returned back to their respective rooms to get ready to leave.

Everyone was now gathered in the lobby ready to leave. Tar was a bit upset since the trip ended short. Last time, their trip was ruined due to the media and this time it was really a short one. He was sulking and Tum was trying to pacify him.

Everyone got into their respective vehicles and left the place. Ae and Ohm got into their cars with their lovers and were headed back home. Ae dropped Pete home and returned to his place.

Ohm wanted to spend some more time with Fluke so he took him out for a dinner before dropping him off.

When Ae was back, he saw his father sitting with some documents with his head creased with worries. "Por, I am back!" Ae said moving closer to his father. Senior Intouch looked up at his younger son and smiled at him trying to hide his worries. "Ohhhh!!! Son, you are back!" He remarked keeping the paper asides and gave his full concentration to the son who had just arrived.

"Por, what is the matter? You seemed to be worried." Ae asked as he sat down beside his father. "It's nothing dear, don't bother yourself. Tell, me how was your trip?" The father said trying to divert Ae's attention from the papers.

"Por, the trip was great. We enjoyed a lot. Pete and Fluke seems to get along each other well." Ae said. "That's good. I am happy that both my sons are finally content with their lives." The father spoke sighing.

"Por, you didn't answer my question. Why were you worried?" Ae asked looking at his father. Senior Intouch knew that Ae was not going to let go off this topic. He didn't want to trouble his son who had just returned from a weekend trip but seems like Ae was getting worried over his father and wanted to help him.

Senior Intouch let out a sigh and picked up the papers that he had placed on the table. He took in a sharp breathe trying to compose himself before he spoke, "Well, it's about Ohm and Fluke...."

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