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On your many trips to the Nether in search of resources, you always went for lighter, more appropriate clothing due to the climate of your location, but being in a tundra and soon after being welcomed by extremely strong waves of heat definitely didn't help you. Having to change clothes was supposed to be an easy task. After a few minutes of justsetting up tools and seeing directions, you started to run out of air, and it was very hot. Your blouses and scarf were leaving your body slowly, and with just your shirt on, you could already feel better. As you rummaged through your backpack and picked up your pickaxe sitting on a small mountain of netherrack, you rolled the ends of your pants up to your knees, making a kind of shorts.

Beside you, Techno marked coordinates and looked at places beyond the lava waterfalls, red mountains and green fauna that appeared from time to time in the landscape, you wondered how he managed to keep this mask even in this heat, was he very used to this place or you who got bad used to this climate? after all it's been a while since you came to the Nether.

"Ok," Techno's voice stopped your brain's melting for a second. "Let's split up."

-W-wait a second, split up?

-Yes. Do you know what that word means? I have to draw it for you?

You rolled your eyes and put your backpack on your back, holding the iron pickaxe in your hand, you got up.

-Actually, splitting up is a great idea.

Techno nodded and started walking.

-Better than having to keep seeing this hideous mask all the time.

Your walk has begun, east of the portal. Some hidden steps from the zombie pigmans guarding certain areas, sword fights with skeletons and Ghast fireballs later, you found a perfectly hidden place to mine some stuff, netherrack, blackstones, glowstone dust and some quartz stones filled your bag halfway, waiting only for a few netherwarts to complete the luggage, but to get them, the job would be a little more difficult.

Your hands were smeared with black and gold soot, and every time you held or slapped your hand somewhere on your body, the soot multiplicated. You wouldn't doubt that your forehead, cheeks, neck and definitely the back of your shirt would be dirty. Your pickaxe was also not in good condition, both ends were already chipped from mining too hard, and they were also extremely dirty. Well, you didn't know how much time you spent in that hole, but you knew you needed a break. You tossed your pickaxe next to your backpack, and sat down amidst the remnants of stone and golden soot from the glowstone dust that remained on the floor.

Scratching your forehead with your arm, you sighed, it was hard to find fresh air in this place. You looked at your bag, satisfied with what filled it.

-Well, it looks like the job is complete, now I need nether warts and-

A low noise passed behind you. As if a monster was stalking you from behind. You turned your body quickly and got up slowly, aware of what was happening. Your hand found the sword and yanked it forward, making its iron gleam with the movement.

The noise was heard again, and with it a figure, passing from one mountain of red stone to another. You couldn't see what it was.

-Who's there? Get out. Now.

A low snort of a pig was heard, and the jingle of paws hitting the ground came closer. You relaxed your shoulders, lowered your sword and smiled. It was a baby pigman. They were small and naturally had a big funny head, their clothes were old brown rags and in their hands they held some warped fungus. They looked more curious than frightened by your presence, they stared at you.

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