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But what happens when you finally find the end of what you were looking for? The 'x' on the map. The cauldron with golden coins. The hope at the end of the box?

You always had in mind that after a long search, you would feel happy, smile until you didn't get any more, and on that occasion, you would run to hug Phil. But, it was not as you imagined. In the early afternoon, when your eyes finally managed to get up, and the sun was warming up above you, there it was. The hut of dark wood and stone, waiting for you, finally stopped in moments when you thought it would run away from you. Everything seemed silent and the fire from the lamps stuck at the bottom of the roof seemed frozen, the slow motion effect seemed to be on, in minutes that seemed to end so slowly. You couldn't stop staring, having doubts about whether that was a mirage or was it reality. You could feel the heat of your body coming back, from the tip toes to the hair strands, not being able to see yourself now, you believed that your pale and cold skin now seemed a little more alive, at least a little, and everything what seemed like a punishment for things you didn't even remember doing, was over. 

From now on, you would only worry again afterwards, you would worry about the construction if your house, worry about whether Dream would find you or not, or if you would find your bird. It all seemed like such small problems now. You would never have to spend days and nights walking, you would never have to fight a horde of zombies or skeletons, you would finally feel at home, take a shower, eat something, the possibility was right there, a few meters away.

Starting to move your feet a little faster now, you tried your best to run or do whatever you were trying to do, and in moments you managed to get in front of the house. You attached the compass to the belt that pointed to the cottage every time you moved, you had arrived, this is the end point. Going up the stairs, step by step while looking sideways at the landscape that you had already passed, and when you were finally faced with the dark brown door, you took a deep breath and banged your fist on the door, in one movement that reminded you of the witch sisters' hut. Now you were there, for the first time in a long time you were patient, just waiting for Phil to open the door and welcome you. But soon you became more and more anxious when the minutes went by without even listening to steps or someone inside, so you knocked again, this time a little more strong, the little you still had, and so on, the door opened. The floor made of the same material as the door was your first sight, it stretched into a square of normal size, and ended in several wooden chests.

The windows were company for brewing stands and other strange tools that you have seen at some point in your life. Putting your head in a bit, you could see that on your left was a ladder that led to other rooms, both up and down.

-Uhhh, Phil?

Your weak voice echoed in the place as you pushed through the door to enter. Stepping inside, a strange warmth rushed over your body, the place was warm, even though it didn't have many lamps or things like that. You started to walk in circles, looking out the windows or time to time wanting to open some chests in search of food.

-Phil? Are you there? It's me! Y/n...

You decided to check the floor below and kneeling in the hole that led to the lower floor, you looked over there, seeing only another place with chests and some empty boats. Why the hell did Philza have this? You got up and made your way up the stairs slowly, watching the other floor. A bed, lamps and an enchantment table with bookshelves around it, you always wanted one of those. But, without anyone. No sign of your blond friend. You were sure you were in the right house, you checked the compass several times while walking. Your stomach started hurt again and you went down the stairs as fast as possible, fixing your scarf on the way.

-Forgive me Phil, I will be really sick if I don't do this.

You started to open the chests, looking for any who had a miserable piece of bread, an apple, carrot or anything that could satiate your body at the moment, and stirring and making noise, you didn't find anything, maybe it was in the chests of low floor?

While you pouted at the chests full of potions and weapons but without any food, your attention was caught by footsteps. Footsteps so heavy it made the stone stair make an echoing noise. 

Kneeling on the floor, you saw someone's shadow at the open door, and before turning you were surprised. Phil was not that tall. Even so, you smiled and turned to hug your old bird friend.

Your smile faded slowly, like a painting wearing out quickly.

You could be sore, dizzy, hungry and cold, but you were sure (or at least you have a vague memory) that Philza was not a 6,2-foot-tall man, who wore royal red clothes, and he definitely didn't wear a mask to cover his face, specifically a pig one.

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