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Four weeks of stay were finally over. Fortunately, last week's situation led you and Technoblade, the fearsome pig man, to share a mutual feeling. After the nightmare incident, you went from being strangers who thought they were weird, to well-known housemates who exchanged at least a few conversations during the day, conversations that coul last for 7 to 9 minutes.

It was quite an advance.

Your routine finally had something different, and now, you guys interacted in a more spontaneous way. On some days where the sun warmed the surrounding, you chose to help Techno gather wood, and now that you had your own handcrafted iron tools, you needed to put the axe into practice. During those days of gathering materials, the two of you would normally go on separate ways, but never got too far from each other, always held in the field of view in case something happened. In addition to the axe, the sword came in very handy when you guys finally came home at night and zombies and creepers attacked you, doing what they know best, blowing everything up and giving in to a good battle to get those rusty reflexes of yours back to work. Days like this were good, and you guys could have a few more interactions when you got to the cabin, always asking or checking at a glance if everything was okay with each other.

All this time, you wondered what the man was like, i mean, during last week's night, he still wore his mask, even if he'd just woke up. You were also curious about how old he was, so far your guesses were close to 25/30 years old. And it wasn't like Techno didn't have questions about you either, he often found himself asking where you came from, or what led you to be here today, and what you've done before, but incredibly neither of you would dare break this social awkwardness and start the questions.

Until the beginning of the fifth week.

Snow marked a thick layer on the ground as the sun shone high, warming the area but still not releasing anyone from the biting cold. The birds seemed to be happier today, as their singing could be heard from many corners of the house.

You were on the first floor, finishing washing the dishes that once carried your breakfast of eggs and bread. Your rolled-up sleeves covered your shivering arms from the freezing water you used to do the job, and as you wiped a china plate, you watched what your housemate was doing, walking around with tools and a large backpack.

His cloak flew as he walked out the door and a moment later horse grunts could be heard outside.

Finishing the dishes, you went down to your room quickly, throwing a blanket over your shoulders and going to the barn door that led outside. You opened it and from there, you saw Techno petting the head of a brown horse that was dressed in bluish armor, probably diamond. Funny, you've never seen this horse before.

After a while there, with your hands on the door, Techno turned to look at you.

-May I ask where you're going?


-Aw c'mon!

You let a frown form on your face.

-You're boring.

Techno sighed deeply.

-I'm going to the Nether, I need some things from there.

You picked up your hands, clapping them together.

-Oh! Excellent! I was also thinking of going. Mind if i join you?

-Yes, a lot.


You saw Techno tighten the horse's armor and think for a few seconds.

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