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You looked at the rest of your house. The wood was on the floor, burnt, the strange purple of its decoration not even could be seen. Inside, you could notice the rest of your furniture, some letters that were not completely burned were in the middle of the ashes. Your brewing stand was dirty and broken, your cuckoo clock was on fire. Everything was lost, it would be a miracle if something is intact in there.

You could do nothing, it was too late to save anything from inside, even so, you needed to check, you needed to at least see up close. You walked the way to your house, well, the rest of it. Taking care not to step on something that was still burning, you started to surround some areas. You could see some clothes dropped out of your wardrobe, possibly they completely messed up the house before commiting the arson.

Even though it was hard to breathe, you were still looking for Atlas, you couldn't live with the thought of having you owl's body in there. Passing the eyes for the place where Atlas's cage was, the place he always came back to after the trip. The cage was fallen and bent, they broke it. But for your happiness, you couldn't see Atlas anywhere, that meant he could still be around. You were happy, just a little, at least you still had your feathered friend.

Suddenly, you hear the sound of footsteps hitting the woods from behind one of the walls that was still standing. Your blood ran cold. Were they still there? At a glance, you saw the tip of a glowing sword appearing in the darkness of the night. Yes, they were still there.

The first thing you thought about doing was hiding. And luckily that came out of nowhere, a dark wood cabinet was still intact. You ran quietly and hid, leaving the door with a small crack, just to check what would happen. A few seconds later, two men passed through the rubble, and if you squeezed your eyes, you could know exactly who they were.

They were about the same height, and while one was a little stronger, the other was slimmer and more agile. They had strong weaponry, you would suspect if they didn't, after all they were part of his elite. One of them wore comfortable battle clothes in monochromatic colors, and the thing that stood out the most was the emblem of the fire that was embroidered on his chest, the bands of his bandana moved while he looked around, looking for you. The other wore a blue t-shirt and a dark material breastplate, his short brown hair made the glasses that rested on his face to be quickly noticed. Sapnap and George were in front of you, you couldn't even think of making the slightest noise, you wanted to be alive until the end of the night.

You waited for them to say something, feeling that if they were quiet for too long, they would soon hear you breathing. You were afraid.

Fear ... what a stranger thing isn't? How is it possible to someone have the slightest fear of monsters or dangerous creatures, but fear completely normal humans?

They were looking for you, but when they finally decided there was no way you could be there, they put their weapons down. Sapnap turned to his companion and waved. George looked around again, before storing his sword from the same material as his breastplate and he walked away slowly, followed by the other. You sighed with relief, but you still had to remain motionless, invisible.

When you realized that they were far enough away, the fear was gone and sadness washed over your body and mind again. Your hands were shaking as you shed hot tears on your cold face, covering your mouth so that everything was inaudible. Several thoughts started to come up at once, and your head started to hurt. You had nothing but the clothes you wore on your body, and they wasn't even in good condition, your potions that were not sold still rested besides you, inside the bag, and the worn diamond sword was uncomfortably on your waist.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Where are you going now?"

"Where did Atlas go?"

"Did you lose everything?"

"He's after you!"

"You need a place to stay!"

It was with thoughts like that you started to get sleepy, being: "Tomorrow is another day", the last one that echoed in your head before your eyes got heavy and you fell asleep, inside the closet, sulky and shrunken.

Tomorrow is another day.

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