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The day did go by so fast that you didn't even notice. You spent most of your time accompanying the children of the village and eating the things that were available. Your belly ached with laughter and you were a little disturbed by the high sugar content in your blood. At the moment, you were sitting on one of the benches in the square, you were alone while watching the children return to their homes and the residents took out the decorations. The sun was setting, it was getting dark and you needed to go home soon, the night was very dangerous and an old diamond sword could not withstand all the monsters in that zone.

You reached for your bag and opened it. There, all the potions were still in the same place, and that was worrying. You sighed, you spent an entire day of sales staying with the kids and enjoying the festival. No money was made and soon nothing could be bought, your money was running out, and you were irresponsible enough not to fulfill your obligation. You looked to the side, and in the distance, you saw Mark being carried by his father into the house, his face resting on his parent shoulder, he was sleeping. You smiled and eased your thoughts. It was worth spending a day like that, you needed it.

You got up from the bench and got ready, walking towards the village gate, finding your way back, you would need to go fast, the sun was about to set. You started walking, running, you grabbed the hilt of the sword and you didn't even look around, you only had one way, and it was in front of you.

Your walk became more and more dangerous when some creepers appeared there and here, you had to take another path so as not to disturb the endermans who were removing blocks from the ground. You were faster than when you were going to the village, and while you were running, you remembered the things you did today, you were happy,

You could write a letter about it, one of those that was meant for you. Watching your feet as they moved, you smiled.

You were almost home when you felt a extremely strong heat waves hit your skin. At first you thought it was just a burn in the forest that someone caused, until you look up and recognize that your cottage was swallowed by fire. The flames covered it completely, there was nothing to be seen inside the house that wasn't red and burning fire. You were immobile, tears were falling unconsciously, rolling down your cheeks, how the hell could everything change so suddenly? Wasn't this supposed to be your lucky day? You were you so happy minutes ago!

You looked inside, for something that could still be intact or alive ... alive ...





Atlas would have been back from his trip three hours ago, would he be in there too?

Your clothes, food, potions and letters were inside, all your memories of the past 7 months were swallowed by the fire, along with the house and possibly your feathered friend. You were shaking, your body looked dead as pale as it was, your eyes were not as bright as they were at the festival, but they reflected the light of the flames. Looking around, without moving much, you realize that your nether warts plantations were completely destroyed and rotten, God only knows how much work you had to harvest and plant them.

Finally, something caught your eyes, a wooden sign was buried in front of the house, something done at the last minute, and something that definitely didn't exist there before. The realization hit the back of your mind like a rock being thrown, how could you not have thought of it before?

How could you not think of him before?

That was it, that sign was the signature of his new work of art. You came closer, in order to read what was there, in order to know if you were right. You felt the burning of air entering your skin, your lungs were filled with smoke and impure air. You lowered your eyes, that was torture, wiping the tears that were accumulating and bluring your vision, you read the words written on that sign, they were made in black ink:


✤𝒯𝐻𝐸 𝐸𝒳𝐼𝐿𝐸𝒟 𝒲𝐼𝒯𝒞𝐻✤Where stories live. Discover now