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 /DREAM / (noun.) A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep


You were in your village. You were running, bringing potions and ingredients from your recent trip to the Nether. Your clothes were slightly burned because of the battle you had with some blazes. You smiled and made your way back to your home, your real one, and when you saw the chipped stone building, you ware faster than ever.

Opening the door, you threw all the materials on the dining table, you would think about that later. Closing the door, you went to your room, there, a warm shoe box was standing next to your pillows. Going to next to it, you smiled when you saw a little owl looking at you with big black eyes, eyes that seemed to reflect the universe. You chuckled, running your fingers over his head, you could feel the comfort of the owl baby, even though you were being pecked right now.

-Maybe I'll call you Atlas, it seems to suit you!

The owl hooted, so that means he liked the name.

You returned to your livinf room after a few minutes, tripping over the doorframe of your room, as you always did. You took your ingredients and went to the kitchen, leaving them over the sink. There, you started to fill some glass bottles with water and other things that made your potions special. Some explosions occurred in failed attempts to mix blaze hods and a greenish spice, but nothing that would break anything or burn the house.

A few hours passed, the safety glasses started to tighten around your head and the white apron you wore had no white on it. You decided to take a break, making potions took too long.Taking off your protection, you looked outside and saw that the sun was almost setting, you had spent a lot of time doing potions for only 4 or 5 to come out perfect. You sighed, and when you finally went to sit down to rest, someone knocked on your door, which made yougroan. 

You went to answer it, not even wondering who was there, and when you opened it, to your surprise, the "mayor" of the village was waiting for you, along with 3 more men. You looked at them confused, you had never seen them around. Repairing quickly, you left the appearance of men glued to your mind.

The tallest one wore a green hoodie, weapons were hung in various places in his body and black armor was kept on his chest. His burnt blond hair led to the white, brittle mask, which was painted with a smile. The other two wore the same breastplate and weaponry, one hadblack hair like ebony and the other, for some reason, wore white glasses. You blinked a few times and turned to the older man who was in front of them.

-Mr. Jackson! Good evening! How are you? Some problem? Who are them?

You tried your best to keep a smile on, let's say that this gentleman didn't like you very much, I mean ... almost nobody liked you there. Even with your attention turned completely towards the short, mustachioed gentleman, you could feel the heavy stares on you from others who accompanied him. What the hell have you done this time for him to come with a group of people? You filled him with questions, the more sympathetic you seemed, the more he would be sympathetic to you. The old man cleared his throat and looked down.

-Y/n, we need to talk to you. It is a serious matter.

He ignored your questions, fuck. You sweated cold. Did he find out that you stole the village's water bottle storage? Or that you've been buying forbidden spices out there? Or is it that he remembered his son's cows that you killed ? You nodded and closed the door behind you, causing a strangeness in the men.

-Can we come inside?

The tall man in the green hoddie said. His voice was serious, he was a little scary.

-No! ... I mean ... Better not! My house is a mess, I have a baby inside, everything is just a mess!

You tried to laugh to lighten the mood. The black-haired man stood in front of the others, he looked confused, and you wouldn't blame him.

-Are you a mother?

-Yeah! I mean not... exactly?

Mr. Jackson cleared his throat again, drawing everyone's attention. He seemed irritated by the delay.

-Y/n! We are exiling you!

You were quiet, for the first time in your life. Was he serious? Why would he exile you, you were sure that you had done no big harm, you had never hurt anyone! Why would he decide that now? Now that your life was so good and comfortable. Now that you had a little owl to take care of...


-I'm exiling you.


Your voice had started to get louder.

-You caused many problems for this village, disturbed the peace and put many people in danger. Besides that you don't follow our law of not making potions ...


-You don't need to get that angry, did you know that?

The man wearing the glasses grabbed your arm in an attempt to calm you down, which had the opposite effect. In an excess of anger, you turned and punched him in the mouth, as hard as you could, he went to the floor, looking at you in disbelief. You only realized what you had done when the green hoodie man came at you. You tried your best to get him away, pushing and punching him in every places you could think of.

He returned the aggressive action, plunging the point of his sword into your arm. You fell and crawled across the floor to your door, breathing deeply and quickly. Adrenaline didn't allow you to feel the pain of the sword's cut, but you were sure you would die of pain when all of this were over. Looking up, you saw Mr. Jackson a little shaken, he was holding the man's arm, preventing him from attacking again.

-Dream! I said we didn't need to get violent!

His voice was shaking. Dream was distracted, which allowed you to run as fast as possible. You passed them, sneaking around like Daedalus in the maze, the fastest way you found was the forest, the one that was dark and dangerous, especially at this hour. Good choice.

You got down of the hill of your house, sliding across the land and the grass. Your ears hurt when you heard Dream's voice again in the distance, and his sentence left you unsettled.

-The witch-hunting season is open.


/ MEMORY / (noun) Something remembered from the past; the recollection.

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