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If you heard just one word to describe what you felt now, it would definitely be


Regret for punching George that day. Regret for provoking Dream so many times. Regret for not having thought about your escape more, or being more prepared for every type of attempted murder against you. You should have thought more before just taking that boat, you should have done a few more strategies and saved food. You should have taken a better sword.

But you didn't.

Which brings us to the whole situation that you are in now.

Inside a hole.

A big,


dirty hole.

It all started as soon as you woke up today. Atlas had found a small rabbit, which he was already devouring as breakfast, you would not like to be left behind, eating a whole loaf, it was small, but would leave you standing until the afternoon. The path continued after you left the tree, always having the compass in hand, the scarf wrapped around your neck and your owl shading around it. But how did you get to that place?

Surrounded by monsters.

Covered in dirt and snow.

No more food or feathered friend.

Everything was going as well as expected, you had come a long way, you felt that you were closer to each crossed tree and each frozen river that passed. Atlas flew away sometimes, he seemed in a good mood today, you wish you could be like that too, but with each passing minute, your positivity diminished like a battery. Your steps were heavy and steady, your feet passed through the snow blanket easily, your clothes were warm enough, and you hadn't yet caught a snowstorm.


There was only one more day to finally reach Phil's cabin!

The night came so fast that you didn't even notice. Atlas rested on your shoulder. You decided not to stop during the night, you would walk a little more today, even if it was dark. Your determination was contagious to the monsters around, you seemed such an easy target for zombies and spiders, the skeletons all seemed to aim at you, even from a big distance and the creepers exploded every 2 minutes. Yes, you were counting.

But with all that, you still haven't give up, moving your sword with movements learned during the years in the orphanage, you killed one by one, leaving only the trail of rotten meat and bones along the way, because even the spider eyes you had caught, let's say it would be a gift for Phil's stock for later. However, everything started to decay after these battles.

For what it should be around 1:00 am, a horde of zombies attacked you from behind, taking you to the ground. They were hiding and the fact that it was very dark didn't help. In rushing movements, you shook your feet to get them out of there, your heart was beating so loudly, louder than the screams that came out of your mouth like a wind, slightly echoing. The more you kicked and hit the putrid men, they they retreated, which gave you an opening to run away, and after you felt that no hand was tearing at your heel and ankle, you got up awkwardly and ran away, leaving Atlas, sword and everything you could get behind. Hitting some trees from time to time, you groped the ground with your feet, just to feel your body fall face down in a low place. A hole.

 You panicked, you were in a hole, not knowing where the exit was and running the risk of other monsters falling inside to keep you company. You started to sweat, the cold that the tundra gave you seemed to have disappeared, evaporated, suddenly it was hot, your adrenaline was on top. Looking at the infinite sides of the cycle you were in, you decided to sit down. Cowering in the nearest corner, you grabbed your knees tightly, weak words and flickers coming out of your mouth.

-Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.

Your lips were trembling as you tried to calm down, telling yourself that everything was a dream.

-Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up ...

Yours eyes were starting to get heavy, closing them and opening in the senquence a lot of times. So, you slept. As if a wave had simply taken your conscience away, you blacked out.

ironic, isn't it? 

Hours and hours later, fighting your own head without even knowing it, you opened your eyes in what seemed like days in infinite darkness. Even sleeping for you seemed a little scary at that moment, you had taken such a fright, being in a situation where zombies ravaged you and made you drop your sword, being in a situation where you didn't know where to go and ended up falling in one place with no way out. This caused your heart to leave, your soul to be completely sucked out of the body.

The weak sunlight hit your face and watching from the sides, snow had fallen on the hole where you were, which caused a strange mixture of reddish and white earth. Your hands were shaking and you felt an emptiness in your stomach that you could not differentiate between hunger or the fear still left in there. Your face was slightly wet, which you decided to be tears that flowed as soon as you passed away. Everything was quiet, and while you were there remembering to look for the things you missed last night, you climbed the hole with some difficulty, it was not that small.

Your field of vision grew wider and wider as you grabbed roots and dry land, moving your body up to the surface. You managed to get out of there in a few minutes, sitting with your legs inside to look ahead. With no sign of anyone, there were only a few monsters left that burned in the sunlight. Everything seemed calm. You got up, feeling your legs not supporting the weight of your body, so you leaned in the nearest tree before starting your search.

Whether you care about making noises or not, you shouted Atlas's name in some kind of signal for the owl to come back, he had flown away from you during the night and probably lost sight while the attack was taking place. Going back through the pile of dead monsers that you had left last night, it was possible to find your compass and your sword. While one was in a very bad state, the other one was intact, without scratch or dirt. You thanked for the intact and saved compass and left the old diamond sword right there, shattered.

However, you didn't find your bag, you didn't even notice that it escaped your torso during all that, you started to shrink in search of some hope that your source of food was still there. Unfortunately nothing.

Without food.

Without owl.

Without any kind of defense.

Just like I said you would be.

With just your path in hand, you moved on, not even the cold or the hunger would threaten you now. This might be your last chance.


You can do it.

Atlas will find you, don't worry.

Soon you will find the house.

You will be able to sleep well.

To have a bath.

Have a good meal.


Just a little more.

Everything will be paid at the right time.

I promisse.

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