"Mackenzie Dior," Mrs. Kaliyev scolded. "Do not be rude to our guest."

Kenzie looked like she wanted to vomit when she heard her middle name. I don't think I would like to have my middle name as Dior. I would have prefer Madison's which was Chanel.

"She's seems like a fiery character," Brad stated in interest. "The show would need that."

Kenzie shot him a glare so intense that it looked like she was willing herself to shoot laser beams out of them.

"Zara, convince Kenzie to do the interview," Mrs. Kaliyev urged. 

"You can't really convince someone that doesn't want to be on the show," I answered. I don't know what Kenzie was thinking of bringing me here. I couldn't save her from this. 

"Oh my God! What is with all the vans?" Monique stepped through the front door. 

Kenzie let out a groan as she laid her face down over her arm. 

"What are you doing here?" I stared at Monique in confusion.

"I came to get Kenzie so that I can help her study for chem," Monique answered. "Why are there cameras?"

In a swift motion, Kenize grabbed Monique by the wrist and dragged her up the stairs. 

"Mackenzie, come back here," Mrs. Kaliyev called out. 

"I'll try to get her to compromise," I said as I rushed up the stairs after them. 

"You look like you need a hug." Monique wrapped her arms around Kenzie's waist before she could protest.

Kenzie sulked and growled as she allowed Monique to hug her. It was a strange sight. I wasn't sure if I should interrupt them.

"Hey guys,"  I said slowly.

Kenzie glared at me. "You suck at saving people."

"I don't know what you want me to do? I was blindsided when I came in here," I defended. 

"What's going on?" Monique looked up at me. Her arms were still wrapped around Kenzie and it made me wonder if she would ever let go.

"Kenzie's mom is trying to get into Real Housewives," I answered. 

"Ooh, reality T.V." Monique shook her head. "Love watching it but would hate to be on it."

"Okay, enough of this hug crap." Kenzie removed Monique's arms from her. "I need to get the hell out of this place." 

"Why don't you just do the interview?"  I glanced at Monique in hopes she could back me up.

"How about I throw you out a window," Kenzie replied threateningly.

"Hear me out first," I said with my hands up defensively. "If you give boring answers they won't pick you to be in the show. Your mom won't be mad at you because you're technically doing the interview. It'll be a win-win." The thing about Kenzie is that you should never tell her what to do. She will automatically go against it. You had to give her options.

Kenzie stared at me pensively as she debated whether she should take my advice.

"Fine," Kenzie said with a sigh. "Once I'm eighteen and out of high school, I'm getting out of here so I won't have to deal with this crap.

"After you're done we can start some chemistry," Monique added excitedly.

"Kill me," Kenzie muttered as she headed back down the stairs.

"Wait. Kenzie, who was that boy on the motorcycle you were with last night?" I've been wanting to ask her. I couldn't imagine it being a boyfriend. That was just too much and so not Kenzie, but then she was always full of surprises.

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