Pilot part 2

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Sabrina POV:
Why would you put yourself in that situation Christian says with confusion on his face narrowing his eyes at me and what happened to you ankle he says noticing my limp I roll my eyes wanting to not talk about it I stay silent.
What are y'all talking about aunt Blossom questions coming up to us.
Sabrina here decided to play hero here and almost got her self shot tonight My uncle tells her.
Are you serious why would you do that Blossom yells at me.
He was going to kill the kid I yell back.
Her eyes soften a bit as my uncle studies my face.
I couldn't just sit their ok I felt completely useless just doing nothing I'm sorry ok.
Blossom pulls me into a hug it's ok just please try and be more careful She says to me.
I hug her back knowing she's struggling and my sisters aren't making it any easier for her. Ok I say with a small smile.
Now come on let me take a look at you're arm and ankle my uncle says patting the couch for me to sit. As I do do sitting on the sofa he goes to grab a bandage, cotton and alcohol he kneels as I give him my arm as he puts the alcohol on the cotton and dabs my cut, and cleans it then puts a bandage on it.
He looks at me let me see you're ankle now he says I raise my pants up a bit,
He lets out a sigh it's just a sprain and a bit swollen I'll get you an ice pack he says walking into the kitchen then coming back a few minutes later with an ice pack.
I analyze his face finding myself questioning his work and what happened after tonight.
What is it he says with no expression.
would you ever kill a kid I ask him.
I see a hint of a pained look on his face as it quickly disappears.
Have you already done it I ask him already knowing the answer.
Yes he says showing no emotion.
as much as I hated the truth I could see straight past his cold and unemotional responses.
I hugged him wanting to comfort him I could feel his body stiffen in place as he put his arms around me giving me the best hug he knew how to.
My uncle has always struggled with emotions it's not that he doesn't have them but he's never understood them.
I pull back looking at his face seeing it full of confusion I still love you uncle I say giving him a smile.
I just see more confusion come on I say grabbing his hand let's watch a movie like old times I say but he doesn't budge as I see another glimpse of a pained look that vanishes quickly again.
I'm sorry little one I have to go already.
It's been a whole year since I seen you do you have to go now you just got here I say holding back tears feeling a tug on my heart not wanting to see my uncle leave again and left with constant fear if this could be the last time I see him.
I'm sorry but you'll see me again I promise just stay strong my little fighter he says with a blank face even though I know he's trying to show emotion. I give him a small smile as I hug him tightly again not wanting to let go as his body stiffens up again as he puts his arms around me I let go looking up at him just stay safe and please don't make me wait a whole year to see you again I say putting on a front not wanting to break down and cry right their.
I will he says as he starts to walk out the door with out looking back at me as I fight tears back.
I hear a high pitch scream I quickly run in that direction to see my aunt putting out a fire on her bed.
What happened I ask but she ignores me angrily stomping her way towards Rose's room the only one of us that has their own room because where all to scared to sleep in the same room with her I mean we already all sleeping with one eye open with her around they start yelling back and fourth with each other great I think to myself another night with no sleep.

( skip to morning )
Allison POV:
I wake up to yelling as I get up and go in that direction to see My sister Rose and my aunt Blossom at it again I roll my eyes as I walk into the kitchen I grab a water and eat some of the eggs my aunt probably made for us the yelling dial downs as my aunt comes in telling us she made eggs for us and that she going to work.
Im going work and please stay out of trouble she says as she walks out. I get dressed in a black tank top with black skinny jeans and black boots as I put my gold necklace and earrings on and through my black jacket on as I walk out not bothering to tell my sisters I'm heading out.
I stop at the place I bartender at since I have a fake IDD and no ones gonna care to even look I walk in seeing fish Mooney listening to some guys jokes that aren't even that funny really she notices me as she raises her hand for the man to stop.
Good morning Mrs Mooney I say giving her a smile as she gives me one back.
What are you doing here on ur off day she says to.
I was just bored and thought I would come in any ways I told her.
You know what I like about you you're a loyal worker she says pointing at me don't you think so Oswald she says giving him a look and I instantly knew he had done something.
Yes mrs Mooney he says giving her a smile.
Could you massage my feet for me she ask him.
Yes Mrs Mooney he says obeying her as she takes her shoes off propping them up for him as he starts to massage them.
My feet hurt to I say to her sitting down.
You she points at the guy with bad jokes be a dear and massage her feet for her she demands him as he obeys her and I take my shoes off and prop them up for him to massage as he starts doing it I let out small moan as the tension in my feet start to release.
You know this amateur none sense is not a good sign their use to be some discipline, Falcon is getting old and soft, if some one has to take over it might as well be me she says to him.
Yes it might as well Oswald says to her sincere but I can see he's holding back.
You're like a son to me you know that Oswald she says to him.
I feel that way also, Oswald says to her with a smile.
Which is what I don't understand after all I've done for you you betray me why would you betray you're mother she says to him with mixture of hurt and anger in her eyes.
I don't know what you mean he says dumbfounded.
You should it was you who snitched to the MCU and you know how I know because only you saw me with the pearls no one els she says with a pained look.
He stands up looking terrified it was Gilzean he's the snitch he says trying to cover his own ass.
Mooney lets out a dry laugh as she puts her shoes on no she says with a tisk as she stands up looking furious now Gilzean is loyal she says glaring holes into his head.
So am I, I would open a vein up here and right now if you asked me to he says practically shaking right now she turns and picks up a knife of the table cleaning it go on then she says pointing the knife at him.
I...I was speaking poetically he says stuttering a bit.
She turns away from him prove it, prove you're loyalty my little penguin she says with venom knowing he hates that name.
As I see the anger start to rise in him feeling a bit bad for him but he should have known better then to snitch especially on Mrs Mooney he's a goner those words escape my mouth in a whisper as the guy that was massaging my feet looks terrified and doesn't know what to do I give him a pity look.
Please Mrs Mooney please don't he says as he starts to walk towards her but she picks up the table throwing it at him breaking the table as he falls yo the floor the guy flinches.
You broke my heart she screams at him while beating him with a broken pieces of the wooden chair, then looks at us with anger in her eyes as she fixes her wig .
Allison I hear a voice yell making me roll my eyes.
Allison I know you're in here I'm not stupid I know you work here I here her yell again as she runs as we all see Rose stopping in her tracks seeing the scene in front of her.
Who are you Mooney ask her trying to compose her self.
Don't worry about her Mrs Mooney she's my sister.
Rose what are you doing here I say annoyed with my sister already she stares as penguin body almost like she's in a trance Rose I say snapping my finger in her face she quickly looks up at me with a bright smile I made you cookies would and you can have one to she says giving Mrs Mooney a bright smile.
I roll my eyes don't eat them she probably poisoned them I warn her unsure if she actually did or not.
Fine I can see you're still mad at me but I just wanted to say I'm sorry,
No you're not you're only here because you're bored.
Fine you got me but I see why you work here you get all the excitement here she says with a big smile.
Yeah if call watching a snitch getting a beating exciting I say sarcastically towards her.
Mooney looks at her with curiosity.
You do you have a job.
Nope she says keeping her smile.
She can't keep one I say sarcastically
Would you like to work here she ask her.
What I say baffled that she would offer my sister a job meaning she would be working along side with me.
I would love to she says happily.
No I say sending daggers at my sister.
Oh come on it would be fun to work along side with me.
Yeah if you consider getting murder by ur sister while at work fun I say sarcastically.
Don't be like that Allison I would never kill you she says with genuine in her voice making me look at her like she's crazy which she is.
Then it's settled you'll have the same schedule she says to her making her smile even bigger.
Thank you she says all happily.
Great I say sarcastically.

( time skip)
Me and my sister our in the back of the car with James Gordon and Harvey going to kill Oswald but James doesn't know yet.
I'm sitting here glaring daggers at my sister as she sits their all smiley and happy you would think she just got her first kiss with how happy she seems not the fact that she's the reason where here to watch Oswald get shot.
What are they doing in the back and why are we stopping here Mr Gordon ask, as Harvey then Gordon gets out and my sister practically skips out and then I get out angrily following them.
Harvey opens the trunk to show a badly beaten Oswald begging for his life.
We all look at him
Pleas I beg of you Oswald starts to say, shut up Harvey yells harshly at him.
This is the fool that snitched to Montoya and Allen, Falcon wants you to walk him to the end of that pear and put a bullet in his head, then everybody knows you're with the program, Harvey tells him.
And if I don't Gordon says threateningly.
I can Rose says innocently raising her hand up getting a glare from James.
Would be my first time she says unaffected by his glare.
Shut up I say grabbing her hand pulling it down.
Then I'm suppose to take you out and him to and here's the thing Jim I like you and I may not have the stomach to do it but I'll try and if I don't some one will get to you quick enough then their gonna get to me and probably Barbra as well who knows what you told her.
Awe sounds like he loves you, Rose says earning a glare from both of them then turns back to each other.
Rose just shut up I say ready to punch her teeth out.
I told her nothing James says looking worried,
You think Falcon cares, Harvey raises his voice, you've killed people before he says actually trying to get him to listen,
That was war Jim says raising his voice.
This is war where at war with scum bags like him Harvey yells.
Sometimes you have to do bad things and sometimes bad things are for the good right, so do you do this bad thing or do you die and maybe you're girl dies I may be like a daysical but that's not a tough call Harvey says then shows him the gun.
I see anger rush to Jim's face as he grabs Oswald forcing him out of the trunk. Then glares at Harvey as he takes the gun from him.
Walk he demands Oswald as they start walking to the pear and I notice the pained look on Harvey but feeling a bit sorry for all three of them knowing this is a very tight situation for both of them.
But soon roll my eyes as I notice Rose practically skipping her way their to probably see this happen at a better angle I grab her arm to keep her from getting any closer.
I hear the gun shot go off making me freeze a bit I'm just happy I didn't have to see his dead body and all Rose did was hop up and let out a giggle of joy like a preppy school kid, I look at her baffled wondering how where even related, Harvey shoots a glare at her that doesn't affect her at all then looks back at Jim who looks back at Harvey.

(Time skip)
Harvey gave us a ride back home as James was silent the whole way home.
Me and Rose walk through the door as Sabrina our youngest sister runs up to looking worried.
Where were y'all I was getting worried.
Where fine I say hugging her still trying to comprehend what I just witnessed.
We had a great day it was so exciting I got to watch some one get shot Rose says over the moon.
You what I hear Our aunt Blossoms voice.
Oh you're home early Rose says looking at her like an innocent child.
Are y'all crazy first Sabrina wants to play the hero almost getting her self killed and then you two want to be what see people get killed are y'all crazy she piratically screams at us.
I'm not Rose I scream right back at her.
Well of course you're not me silly if you where you wouldn't be such a grouchy pants all the time she says still all happy.
Our aunt goes quiet pinching the bridge of her nose.
Girls I'm trying the best I can but how can I take care of y'all when it seems like y'all our just trying to get y'all's self killed.
I'm sorry mom Rose says looking at her innocently.
Aunt blossom just gives her a pity look I know she says giving her a weak smile. Could y'all just please go take a shower while I cook dinner she says looking at us.
Yes mam Rose says happily running towards the shower.
I notice a tear fall from my aunts face as she watches her walk away. She wipes it away quickly.
She so much like y'all's mom she says with a sadden expression.
I know is all I say feeling sad knowing my sister never gonna be able to have a normal life and I mean just not her none of are gonna be able to have a normal life. Rose is so damaged she took the most abuse from mom and has never been the same since she turned 16, My sister Luna barely comes out of hiding in the house she's deathly terrified of everything, me I'm just a complete fuck up, Jezebel she falls for anyone that gives her attention and my poor youngest sister Sabrina god she's the only one that the strongest of us all even after she's the one that witnessed moms death and she's still full of life call me a hypocrite for being jealous of my youngest sibling but I wish I could be as strong as she is.

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