Part 27 - Emilie

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yo does anyone know why Hawkmoth's lair is in the basement when he so clearly sets the Akumas free through the roof? 


this part is pretty short but I'm running low on time so here ya go

Adrien's POV

After checking over my shoulder for Nathalie, I cautiously advanced into the office. The window had been replaced, and the floors were cleaned since the incident, but nothing much had changed. I traced my hand along the wall, searching for a compartment, a hidden lever, anything. There had to be something.

I reached the painting of my mom. It was such a pretty piece of artwork; I wished Father would have in hung somewhere I could see it more often. I stared at it for a few seconds, before noticing a smudge of oil on the paint made apparent by the florescent light shining on it. I took a closer look; it was a fingerprint.

I pushed on the smudge. The button clicked.

"No way," I breathed, searching for other buttons. Using the light as my guide, I spotted the rest of the fingerprints on the paintings, but I couldn't reach half of them.

I dragged a chair over to the wall and stood on it. With the added height, I was able to click the rest of the buttons. My eyes widened as a strange mechanical noise echoed from underneath me. I looked down, and the floor was opening up.

"Oh, sh*t."

I started sinking underground through a narrow elevator. The motion caught me off balance, and I face-planted into the glass. I slipped off the chair as it rolled backwards, and my legs got stuck underneath of it. 

When the door finally opened, I gave the chair a kick so I could get out of there. My eyes wandered across the large room as I slowly made my way across a walkway to a pavilion. 

The area was covered in grass and bushes, with little white butterflies flitting from plant to plant. In the centre of the small garden was a large glass container about the size of a person. Against my better judgment, I looked to see what was inside. 



Luka's POV

"Hey, snake boy!" 

I glanced over my shoulder. There was a superhero hanging out in the alleyway. 

"Yeah, you! Come here!" 

Confused, I hurried over to her. 

"How do you know I'm Viperion?"

"Perks of being practically omniscient. You need to get home to your boyfriend."

"How did you--"

"Omniscient, remember? Fluff, counterclockwise. Alright, let's go."

"Okay, okay," I said as I followed her out into the street. Ladybug had already reversed the damager from Timetagger, and everything was back to normal. Luckily, none of the reporters got to the scene in time to see me fighting in place of the usual Chat Noir. If they noticed the miraculous had a different holder, there would likely be a lot of questions. 

"Sh*t, he's not here," the girl said once we reached the gates of the Agreste mansion. "He must have gone inside."

"Sorry, but how do you know Adrien?"

"Unimportant. Do you have a key to get in?"

I entered a code onto the keypad near the gate so it would open. The girl bolted to the front door, which I had left unlocked when we left. I rushed after her; she may have been dressed in a super suit just moments ago, but I was starting to wonder if she had good intentions or not. 

"Nathalie?" I called. 

She didn't answer. That was weird. 

"F*ck," my acquaintance muttered as she ran into Gabriel's office. "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck."

"What's going on?" 

The girl grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me across the room so that I was standing behind Gabriel's desk. Before I could question her, the girl pressed a few buttons on the painting of Emilie in front of us, and a small circle beneath my feet started to open. 

"Find Adrien and make sure he's okay," the girl ordered as I started to sink under the floor. "Fluff, clockwise."

"What about you?"

"I'll be watching to make sure you don't screw this up. Burrow!" 

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