Part 30 - You'll be okay

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Adrien's POV 

"Keep that thing away from me!" I ordered as I ran away from Luka. My scrambled brain was starting to piece together everything I'd seen while time travelling with Bunnix, and I had a really bad feeling about what was going to happen next. 

"Adrien, wait!" Luka called. 

I ignored him, but Plagg zipped past me.

"Kid, what's the matter?" 

"Th-that thing, that's a miraculous," I tried to explain.

"Yeah, it's Duusu's--hold on, how do you know that?"

I didn't have time to explain my visit to the future. I had to get out. I had to get out!

I ducked under Plagg and entered the elevator. I didn't know how to make it move, so I just hit the sides in hope it would take me up. It worked. 

I stepped out of Father's office, fully aware of how awful I looked. My hair and clothes were a mess, my face was stained with tears, and my eyes were certainly red and puffy. I hoped no one else would see me like this. 


Ah, f*ck. 

"H-hi, Nathalie."

"What happened? Are you okay? I thought you were in your room?"

I pushed her worried hands away as I remembered that Monarch would be the reason for her death. My head pounded as I bolted for the door, then ran across the courtyard, through the gate, and down the street. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I needed to get away. Although, I wasn't entirely sure what I was running away from. 

Mom's alive, I thought. Is she alive? No, she can't be... then why is she in that case? 

Was I supposed to be happy about this? I could have my mother back! I missed her so much...


I can't bring her back. That's what Father was trying to do all this time, and look how much damage he caused! I couldn't become him, no matter how much I needed my mom. And I really, really needed her. 

I tripped on the curve of the sidewalk and fell forward onto my hands. They stung, but my throbbing head outweighed the pain. 

"It wasn't Félix," I sobbed. "It wasn't him..."

"Snake boy screwed things up, I see," a voice said behind me. 

I turned to see Bunnix standing near a lamppost. 

"You knew," I gasped. "You knew it wasn't him when you sent me back here! You knew that Monarch... that he's..."

Bunnix raised an eyebrow. "You?"

"Yes, me! Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to freak you out. But clearly, it didn't make a difference, since here you are, having some kind of episode."

I huffed. "What are you waiting for? Send me back a couple hours. Stop this from happening. Stop me from seeing my mom in that tank. Stop me from becoming Monarch."

"Dude, chill. You were bound to find out eventually; might as well get it over with. Where's the brooch, by the way?"

"Luka has it. You need to tell him to hide it from me."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because--wha? Because if I lose control one day... what if I take it? What if I use it? You saw what Monarch is capable of. I don't want to become that."

Bunnix pushed herself off the lamppost and placed her hands on my shoulders. "We don't need to hide the peacock miraculous because you don't need to use it; you already know it's not going to help anything."

"How can you be so sure? You barely know me."

"Jeez, why can't you kids get it through your head that I'm practically omniscient? I've seen so many versions of all the miraculous holders that I know each of you as well as you know yourselves. You won't become your father."

"But that's the thing! I did become him! Or, I will, at some point. And that's what I'm worried about."

"Look, Adrien. The fact that you're thinking about consequences is a good thing. It means you really care. As long as you remember who you are, you're gonna be fine." 

"Adrien!! Oh, thank gods you're okay."


My knees went weak as my boyfriend threw his arms around me. 

"I was so scared! I didn't know where you were going, I didn't know if you were alright..."

My face scrunched up as I hugged him back tightly. "I'm sorry..." 

"I'll leave you guys to talk," Bunnix said, summoning a portal. "Just... get some therapy. Both of you. I mean it." 

And with a wink, she disappeared into her burrow. 

Luka turned back to me, and put his hand on my cheek. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah," I whispered, closing my eyes and nuzzling up against his palm. "I will be." 

Thief | LukadrienOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora