Part 12 - "Why Us?"

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Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my fanfic trash. How are you all doing? 

Marinette's POV

I told Adrien to meet me over at my place sometime after school, so when he didn't show up, I started getting worried. I called him a few times, but I didn't get an answer.

I sighed, leaning back onto my chair. I couldn't focus on my homework, not when I was under so much stress. Our accidental reveal had put us in a very precarious position; knowing each other's identities was risky.

Adrien being Chat Noir was a lot to process. I couldn't help but feel guilty for all the times I rejected him. Not that I wanted to be with him now, but just because he was already going through so much at home.

Hmm... maybe that's why he was late. What if something was happening at home? Was he okay?? If something was wrong, I couldn't just sit here doing nothing. I needed to know my friend was okay.

"Tikki, spots--"

"Is that really such a good idea?" my kwami interrupted. "If you jump out of the window as Ladybug, people might see you!" 

"Nah, it's fine! I've done it before!"

She facepalmed. "Exactly! Someone's bound to have noticed by now!" 

"Okay, okay, I'll transform outside. Come on, let's go!" 

(Adrien's POV)

"Father, I—"

"Do not talk back to me, son. You are not to go off spending time with friends when you have a schedule to upkeep. Your Chinese lesson will begin soon."

"But I promised Marinette—"

"Not another word of this. I have hired a new private language tutor; I expect you to inform him of your progress and pick up where your last instructor left off. Am I making myself clear?"

I looked at the ground. "Yes, Father."

"Good. Now go up to your room and prepare your workbooks. Give your phone to Nathalie so you won't be distracted."

I did as he asked as worried thoughts traveled through my mind. Without my phone, I had no way of contacting Marinette to tell her I couldn't make it today. Of course, I could always just run off as Chat Noir, but my new Chinese teacher would notice if I didn't show up and would surely let my father know.

"Good afternoon, Adrien," a familiar voice greeted me as my bedroom door opened.

"Master Fu?!"

He smiled. "It is nice to see you again."

"You're my new teacher?"

"Yes. Well... no. Mr. Agreste believes that to be true, but I'm actually here to teach you more about something else."

My eyes lit up. "About the miraculouses?"

"I'll teach you everything I know," he nodded. "Which... isn't very much. But I believe hearing their origin stories would be helpful. I would like to support Ladybug as well, obviously, but I'll have meet with her separately, since she'll know your identity if I invite her to your house."

I pressed my lips together. "Um, actually, maybe we could have a joint class instead?"

Master Fu narrowed his gaze. "Your tone implies that either you've done something wrong or you know something you shouldn't."

Just then, Ladybug crashed into my window.

"What the f*ck!" I exclaimed, jolting at the sound. I ran over to open the glass pane and let her in.

"Why don't you have ledges in these things?!" Ladybug demanded as she tumbled onto the floor.

"Don't blame me for the architectural inconveniences," I said as I helped her up. "What are you doing here?"

"You said you'd come over to my place, but when you didn't show I got worried so I—what is Master Fu doing in your bedroom?"

"Shorty over here wanted to teach me some old miraculous secrets or some sh*t. And sorry I didn't come after school; my Father sent me up here and took away my phone."

"Did you just call me 'Shorty?'" Master Fu asked. "Also, how do you know where Ladybug lives, Adrien?"

"We accidentally revealed ourselves in the middle of school," Marinette explained as she detransformed. "I know we're not supposed to know, but you were the one who chose two people from the same class to be the city's superheroes. We were bound to find out eventually."

Master Fu clicked his tongue. "Yeah, I should have seen that coming."

"Well, now that Mari's here, you can teach both of us at once," I said, rubbing my hands together with excitement. "What's our first lesson?"

"I'll leave that up to you two. What do you want to know?"

"Why did you choose us?" Marinette asked immediately.

Master Fu scowled. "You couldn't have picked an easier question to answer?"

"Oh, come on. There must have been a reason."

"You are a caring person, Marinette. You proved that when you helped me off of the street."

Marinette blinked. "Anyone in their right mind would have done that."

"Meh, oh well."

"So that's it, then?" I asked. "A teenager helps you off the ground one time and you hand them an object with a magical creature inside?" 


I rolled my eyes in exasperation. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"Don't give me that!" Master Fu said. "I chose right, didn't I? You both are incredible super heroes, and are clearly made for each other. All Ladybugs and Chat Noirs are meant to be."

"Made for each other?" Marinette muttered worriedly. 

Master Fu didn't see her concerned expression. "Yes, exactly!"

I looked at Plagg, who was floating right next to me. He gave me a sheepish shrug, as if to confirm what Master Fu said. 

"So... we're supposed to end up together?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck. Man, this was awkward. 

"Precisely," the old man said, taking an old book out of his bag and setting it down on the coffee table. "Now, what should I teach you first?"

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