Part 20 - Hawkmoth

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Marinette's POV

"What a f*cking b*tch," I muttered as I walked away from the mansion. "As soon as I get home, I'm convincing my parents to adopt Adrien."

I was only half-joking.

"I'm sure everything will turn out all right, Marinette," Tikki assured me.

I barely made it through the gate before I heard a loud crash. I whipped my head around to see a broken window, and through it I noticed a figure in violet looming over someone in black.

"What the..." I muttered.

"You need to transform!" Tikki said. "That's Chat Noir in there!"

"No sh*t, Sherlock!"

I raced onto the street and down an alleyway to transform. Once I was Ladybug, I called Luka.

"Change of plans. I need you to meet me at the Agreste mansion as soon as possible."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Just get here!!"


Adrien's POV (rewind a few minutes)

"It's not just a phase, father."

The brooding man stood up from his desk. "It may not feel like one, but I assure you it is. It's in your best interest to end this nonsense early, just as I did in my teenage years."

"I—excuse me?"

He slapped me. Not very hard, but enough to stun me.

"Get your act together, Adrien. This is no way for an Agreste to behave."

I rubbed the place where he hit, not bothering to look up at him.


"I beg your pardon?"

"If you're not going to accept me for who I am, I don't wanna be in this family anymore."

"And just where are you planning to go?" he scoffed.

I toyed with my miraculous. "Anywhere is better than here."

"That ring... I've noticed it on you before, but I'm certain I never approved that accessory."

Before I could stop him, he grabbed my wrist and held it up to take a closer look at the piece of jewelry. I tried to draw my hand away, but he was stronger than he seemed.

"I don't recognize the designer. Where did you find this?"

"It was a gift. Hey, what are you—no!"

He pulled the ring off my finger. Without a holder, The miraculous reverted back to its usual form; all black with a little green paw print on the front.

His gaze shifted between me and the the ring a few times. "Well that was unexpected."

I raised an eyebrow. "What were you expecting?"

"I don't know, a rainbow on the inner band or something?? I thought you were just trying to disrespect me, but this? This could work in my favour."

I pathetically tried to take it back from him. "Give it back."

He held the band between his thumb and index finger.


I frowned at his smirk. I reached for it again, but he was freakishly tall. "Why are you doing this? Wouldn't it benefit you to have a superhero for a son?"

"How so? All I need is your miraculous, not your abilities."

I was about to make some snarky comment about how, once again, he valued an object more than his own kid, but that's when I saw Plagg hovering just behind my father's head.

"You're lucky you didn't renounce me, kid," he said, flying over to me, grabbing the ring on his way. He dropped it into my palm, and I slipped it onto my finger.

"Plagg, claws out!"

"Hand me the ring, Adrien."

"Yeah, good luck taking it from me."

I bolted towards the window, but before I could push open the pane, I heard a phrase I never expected to come from my father.

"Nooroo, dark wings rise."



I know it's short! I'm sorry! I don't have much time to write now that school started up again :/

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