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"The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality." Conan O'Brian

It had been four weekends since the case. Alex only knew this because three times, both Hotch and Jack had shown up to her class on Saturday. Yesterday, Hotch hadn't, but Jack had, with Emily, JJ and Henry.

It had been three weekends of dancing around the issue, little touches and stolen glances and Alex didn't know what was worse: that she didn't have the heart to bring it up again, or that it had made her even more sure her feelings for him were far from "just friends". The truth was that she was scared to even tell him because it would make it real. And real could mean commitment, and commitment would mean the possibility of losing. And she didn't particularly enjoy that. And still, Alex wanted nothing more than to just try.

Sighing into the juice she was prepping, three hyped-up children next to her, the blonde ripped herself out of her thoughts. When Henry had come into training yesterday, he had invited her to his birthday party, or more JJ. Mainly because Emily and Penelope complained they would miss her, which was more than sweet.

"Alright, who still has their cup?" Alex asked the three children, who all diligently raised them. "I see, I'm working with professionals."

They giggled, and she filled their cups.

"Can I have some, too?" a polite voice next to her asked, looking up at her. A little surprised to see him, she smiled down at Jack.

"Of course, you can," Alex gave back and kneeled down to him. "How are you today?"

He looked at her for a few seconds before surprising her with a hug. "Oh Jack," she mumbled, gently rubbing his small back, "Are you okay?"

He pulled away, nodding. "My dad says if I like someone, and it's okay for them, I can hug them."

A slow smile spread over her face and she ruffled his hair, earning herself a squeal.

"I like you too, and you can hug me anytime. Did you want some juice, or did you just want to say hi?"

He grinned, picking a new cup. "Juice."

Alex chuckled, pouring some in it. "Is your dad here?" she asked, cocking her head at him. Jack nodded.

"He's inside with Emily," he answered, putting down his cup, "Can we draw together later?"

He broadly gestured towards the station with face paint JJ had set up, mumbling something along the lines she would regret it. Alex wholeheartedly agreed, but the pout on Jack's face was too cute to say no.

"Sure, if you don't expect something artistic from me," she chuckled. The boy shrugged, looking at the station again.

"Can you do Spiderman?"

Alex for sure could not, but she would at least try. She gave him a raised eyebrow, earning herself another laugh. "Jack, I can't draw at all. But I will try," she said, laughing with him.

"Okay. I will go play now."

"Have fun," Alex said, and he ran away, waving wildly at Henry. What a sunshine. She had always wondered what a happy child he was, considering everything. She sighed to herself and walked into the kitchen, looking for Hotch and Emily.


Hotch felt like after yesterday, the world was out to get him. Not only had Strauss found some small detail to annoy him about, but she had also kept him busy over the entirety of Saturday, making it unable for him to bring Jack to self-defense and see Alex. For some reason, seeing her once a week had quickly become one of his highlights. And now, as if this wasn't bad enough, he was caught in JJ's kitchen, an eager woman talking to him, her hand comfortably on his forearm. This is a trap, he thought to himself, politely smiling, while he was simultaneously looking for a way to leave the situation.

And If I Fall, Let Me Part I: At Your Service - A. Hotchner x OC & JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now