Not another car, Evans!

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"Give light and people will find the way." Ella Baker

More than twenty minutes later, Emily stood next to JJ, letting her eyes wander over the mass of people in the middle of the room. Nothing out of the ordinary. When a brunette made her way over to them, she felt herself tense up. There goes the surprise.

"Hey, Isn't that your mom?" JJ asked under her breath, stepping closer. Clad in a dark blue dress, her hair impeccable as always, Ambassador Prentiss walked up to them. Her lips were painted with a burgundy red, her curls held back with pearls, and the feeling of nostalgia flooded Emily.

"Yup," she gave back, not entirely sure what else to say. Her mother smiled at her brightly.

"Emily, I didn't know you'd be here," she said, leaning in to give her the lightest kiss on her cheek. Turning to JJ, she offered her a hand. "Good to see you, Agent Jareau."

The blonde couldn't hide a slight surprise as she took the offered hand. It made the smile on her mother's face turn into a little smirk. "Are you surprised I remember? Emily talks very highly of you."

The blush that crept on both their faces reminded Emily that no matter how old, mothers could always embarrass you.

"It's good to see you again, Ambassador Prentiss," JJ said smoothly, having caught herself. The older woman leaned in a little bit.

"Please, you can call me Elizabeth. I feel like I know you already. You should bring her for Sunday dinner someday, Emily," she said to her daughter. Emily only nodded, asking herself what on earth her mother was up to. There was no way her mom knew what she really felt for JJ. Unless the woman had clairvoyant capabilities. Which she wouldn't put past her.

"I would love to," JJ chimed in, and Emily had the feeling both women were starting to conspire against her. She threw JJ a dirty look when her mother looked away, earning herself a wink. This was starting to feel like a second reality, and the brunette wasn't sure it was a good one.

"Oh dear, I saw Agent Hotchner earlier, but isn't the blonde by his side from the Secret Service? I saw her a few times on the last galas this summer."

At least something else to talk about, Emily thought to herself. She slowly nodded, suppressing a sigh. Of course, her mother had picked a topic she couldn't just freely discuss. Clairvoyant.

"It's a combined investigation, that's why we are here," the brunette said, hoping this would satisfy her mother. Of course, it didn't. Something like caution flickered over her face and she stepped a little closer to Emily.

"How dangerous is it to be here?" Elizabeth asked, keeping up her easy smile.

Unease crept up on Emily. She thought back to the case with biochemicals, and how JJ had looked like hell the whole time, not being able to tell Will and Henry to stay inside. Until she had told them. Emily, to this day, would still back her up with this decision. But her mom wasn't a child anymore, and this was different.

" careful with people you don't know. Do you still have the same driver as usual?"

Her mom nodded, the smile slowly fading. Emily looked at JJ, but the blonde only gave her a reassuring smile.

"Then you'll be fine. This is confidential, okay mom?"

Another nod, before the smirk was back on Elizabeth's face. "I do know a bit about what this means, don't worry. I will let you work now, dear," she said, slightly cocking her head at her daughter. She turned to JJ. "And I will see you on Sunday."

Emily wanted to groan but held herself back, again.

"It was good to see you, mom."

Another wink in their direction and Ambassador Prentiss was gone again. The brunette turned to JJ, pretty sure her cheeks were still burning brightly.

And If I Fall, Let Me Part I: At Your Service - A. Hotchner x OC & JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now