Like...good cop, bad cop?

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"Life's like a play: it's not the length, but the excellence of the acting that matters." Seneca

Secret Service Unit

It was the next morning when Alex's team listened attentively while the BAU team gave the profile, some scribbling down some notes.

"They probably have experience with security, or are ex-military, something in this direction," Morgan closed, watching the room as he added that detail. Alex wasn't surprised no one even flinched. All of them had thought that exact thing when the bodies had turned up.

"We will feed this information into your databases as well, so be on the lookout," Hotch said, "Thank you."

The team turned to her, and she let her eyes wander over them. "We will also brief the securities team working on Friday later. If you have anything, let me know. Chen, Edwards, I need you two later for strategy, the others keep your eyes open."
With a nod, she let them go back to their tasks, turning back to the FBI team.

"You gave the profile to Garcia?" she addressed Hotch. He only nodded. Reid, drumming his fingers on his crossed arms, looked at her.

"I've been thinking yesterday night. Maybe we're looking at this wrong. What if the killer is in there for a certain time, until it's their time to leave, they look for a victim, and somehow accompany them outside."

Emily creased her brows. "You mean they could be working for the event?"

Fighting the feeling of having overlooked a killer for three events straight, Alex waved Tyler over. If she had missed someone, maybe he hadn't.

"Ty, what kind of people besides us usually work these events? Press, wardrobe, bartending?" she asked him, ignoring the squinted eyes Hotch gave her. He knew she was stressed about this, but she would rather swallow glass than admit it right here.

"Uhm, cleaning, and catering. That should be all. Everything else is external and doesn't relate to what's happening inside."

When Alex looked back at Reid, she could practically see the wheels turning behind his head.

"What did the..." he started, rummaging through the pile of files on the desks until he found what he was looking for. Flipping through the pages, he slowly shook his head.

"No poison. But what if someone from catering drugged them, and then met them outside to kill them? Not all drugs show up on a toxicological report."

Morgan slowly shook his head. "If you want to execute someone, for revenge or because you're too much of a coward to do it face to face, drugging them beforehand doesn't make too much sense. You would want them to feel all of it."

Alex looked at Tyler, letting it sink into her head. "True, but working the event still makes sense, even if no one was drugged. Everyone working there is in our database, so Garcia should be able to pull something out of it."

She allowed herself a look at Hotch, just to make him understand. "We vet everyone inside before they ever set foot into the building."

Dark eyes met hers, and he nodded again. "I know you do. Let's see what Garcia can do."


"Why is he so soft with her?" Morgan muttered, looking at Emily. Surprised by his question, she looked after the two figures on their way to Garcia's makeshift office.

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged, crossing his arms. "He never once questioned their security. Three people died on their watch."

And If I Fall, Let Me Part I: At Your Service - A. Hotchner x OC & JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now