Honesty is such a lonely word

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"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Helen Keller

Secret Service Unit

It was already nighttime when all of them found their way back to the corner the FBI was occupying. Alex, sipping on some tea for a change, listened intently to Morgan's theory about what kind of person would execute three people, after making them vanish into thin air.

"Maybe it's ex-military, or police force, or something similar," he concluded, looking around at his team. When he landed on Alex's face, he hesitated for a second.

"Spit it out, Agent Morgan, please," she muttered darkly, already sensing where this was going. Morgan sighed.

"Or someone working in security. Someone who knows how to get in and out is quick and efficient."

Alex wondered if, after all the tension of this day, she would either not sleep at all, or like a baby. Looking at him, she nodded.

"We thought about this, too," Alex answered slowly, "But the coroner put the time of death at a time when all of my men and women have been accounted for. After every event, there is a debriefing. No one has left their posts, and most have not even worked all three events."

She had hated that thought more than any other in this investigation. When the second body had dropped, it had been the first thing that Tyler had brought up, late at night, when they had been alone. It was more than uncomfortable having to think about if one of the people you had to trust could've been responsible for killing like this.

"What about ex-employees?" he asked, the suspicion on his tone not gone. At this point of the day, Alex would've loved nothing more than snap back at him. But that was neither fair nor professional. Even though she knew Morgan did not trust her. That felt unfair, too.

"The last person to drop out of any of our teams was four weeks ago, so it's improbable. As far as I'm informed, he is now working for the CIA though. If we have a profile, you're welcome to check our employee database." Alex couldn't help a slight bitterness to lace her voice, but Morgan only nodded. Understanding passed through his eyes.

"No disrespect, just being thorough," he said in her direction before he looked at his boss.

"It's fine, you're just doing your job, Agent Morgan," Alex gave back quietly. Partly to reassure him, partly to reassure herself. Hotch cleared his throat beside her and she looked at him. They hadn't talked after what had happened in Garcia's office, and she wondered if her little comment about the tagging would come up sooner or later.

"It's late, we will work on more details tomorrow morning, then we might have a working profile to give to your team," he said first to his team, then to her, "Go home, rest."

Alex took it as a sign to leave for her office. There were still some documents she needed to look over.

Morgan, making sure she was out of earshot, leaned towards Hotch.

"Tough one," he said, "I noticed something weird today about her, maybe you know what's up."

Hotch furrowed his brows at him. "You know the rule about profiling other agents."

The other man held up his hands and nodded. 

"I know, but I was wondering if there's a reason she didn't look particularly happy to go down into a basement. Just wondering, since you two know each other." 

The mild impatience on Hotch's face seemed enough for him to shake his head and smirk at his boss. "Alright, I get it."

"If you want to know, ask her," Hotch said, "I'm sure she will love to give you an answer."

And If I Fall, Let Me Part I: At Your Service - A. Hotchner x OC & JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now