Chapter Five

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Harry helped him hobble into the saloon, where drunken bastards were stumbling around and a piano man was playing some sort of upbeat tune in the corner while consorts flashed large amounts of cleavage at men in clothes that weren't soaked in filth. Some started giggling and looking Harry and Draco up and down.

One skipped over, her breasts bouncing as she leaned in towards Harry. "Why hello there mister Potter," she greeted, grinning seductively. Draco scowled. He didn't like prostitutes of any kind. He's seen his father slink off with a few too many in his days.

"Oh come off it Baby," Harry scoffed, rolling his eyes but leaning closer towards her. "Any updates?"

"Not many," the woman admitted, falling in step with them. "Town's been awfully quiet these days. I recon it's 'cause Morvolo's been picking out the rotten ones; r'cruitin' anyone with a greedy soul to him instead of the farms. Money's gettin' real short 'round these parts now."

Draco blinked, trying to make sense of what was happening. And why was Harry calling this woman baby?

"I could tell. Shop prices were jacked up even more than us'al."

"Hell, it's a pain tryna buy rubbers these days! Woman can't even make a livin' without 'em."

"Hell Baby, you know you don't have to do that to spy 'round here!"

"Bah, what's wrong with fuckin' the mayor for coin once in a while? He slips his secrets in his sleep. You know he lost a bet to a pig, 'nce?"

"That's great Baby, but I've got some things to do with the blond doll here. Feel free to come by our camp; we're set up by the Penob, just forty 'er so away." Draco again scowled, this time at the nickname. He glared at Harry, curling his upper lip.

"Sounds good- but who is this cutie, anyways? He don't look like none of yours." Draco sneered at the woman, who only giggled.

"Found him locked up in a Morvolo camp during the last raid. Got shot by Ron durin' it, so I'm taking care of 'em."

"Awe, Harry Potter takin' care of a sick kit? You typically don't show 'fection for your little play things, what's so special 'bout him?" The woman winked while Harry rolled his eyes.

"Come off it, Baby. He's important to somethin', we need him alive to find out what."

"Mhm, whatever you say sir. I'll be off, then- there's a business man I'm lookin' forward to robbin'. Gullible as a blind pig, he is."

"You enjoy that. Talk to you later."

"Damn right."

'Baby' blew Harry a kiss before skipping off, flaunting her breasts at an expensive looking man over against the bar, pouting her bottom lip as she went. "Who's that?" Draco asked, frowning after her.

"Her name's Beatrice, but she goes by Baby. She racks up some coin for us and does spy work on the side."

"Spy work for what?"

"Keepin' an eye on the Morvolo's, mainly. Farmington is just a bit 'ways from the central of Morvolo Corp, they come 'round here to get drunk an' rouse trouble once in a while. Sometimes there's a greedy bastard ridin' with a bit too much gold he stole from the farmers, or an abuser takin' his girl somewhere. We take care of those people."

Draco had a pretty good idea what 'taking care of' in their eyes was. He shuddered. He never knew the world was so cruel outside of the manor- he expected petty thievery and such, and he'd occasionally read about bank robberies, but he never heard about gangs, or shootings, or outright faking prostitution to steal from someone. He suddenly felt small and weak compared to the rest of the world.

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