Chapter 5: Lies Revealed

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"It's called The Amidst."

"The Amidst." I repeated more to myself. "What is The Amidst?"

"It's the cross between a physical and spiritual location where the afterlife and all other realms meet."

Suddenly my forgotten dream came back in vivid detail.

My dad!

It was really him!

"Do you remember earlier when my mother spoke of The Promphaopun Clan, having a second ability? Evasion?"

I couldn't speak, I merely nodded.

"Well, every single clan has a primary ability and secondary ability. My clan can heal rapidly making us practically indestructible. The Fire Clan (Earth) enhanced stamina, The Empath Clan (Fluke), precognition..."

"What's mine?" I knew the answer, but I had to hear it.

Boun seemed a bit hesitant, before replying.

"Your secondary ability may sound frightening Prem, but it's believed the reason that this is possible has a lot to do with being able to move between certain points in time. You see, your clan was able to move beyond time, where time no longer exists." 

My heart began to pound, and I felt my face flush.

"Time travelers possess the ability to visit The Amidst. It's an extension of their secondary ability, they have the sixth sense, the supernatural ability to perceive that which is hidden to the normal five senses. But don't be frightened, it's not easy to do, some Time Travelers live their entire existence and never visit The have to be extremely gifted!"

I had seen my dad! It was really him! I wanted to see him again!

"Prem, are you okay?" My body started to sway, Boun grabbed hold of me so I wouldn't fall over.

A sudden buzz of merging whispers rippled through my ears. My eyes started to grow heavy.

"Prem!" Even though I was in Boun's arms his yells felt so far away.

My eyes closed and when I woke up, I was back on the beach sitting next to my dad.

"It's time you knew the whole story of what happened and why we were casted out of the celestial realm."


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