Losing Everything

Start from the beginning

I am sorry ...I couldn't keep my promise... I am so sorry!

I started to sob quietly until I heard the door open. That was when I looked up and saw a nurse come to my side.

Nurse: How are you feeling?

What a stupid question!

I felt bad!

I wanted to die and yet live at the same time. It was confusing to me as to why I wanted both but right now I just wanted to be free like a bird in the sky... Too bad that I'll never be able to fly again.

Me: .... How did I survive?

Nurse: I know it must be hard for you right now but everything will get better once you get used to it.

You know nothing!

Get used to it...

Get better....


How do you think I should get used to it!


I will never be able to fly again!

Me: Will my wings ever recover?

Nurse: We don't know yet but it doesn't look good.

But there is a chance!

Even if it is small please god or whoever you are... please let me recover again!

[A/N: GOD?! Pff I am a chimera and you are trapped in one of my stories. Should I say congrats?]

Me: Thanks...

Nurse: For what?

Me: Being honest with me.

At least she is not like that stupid man my mother picked up!

Or the heroes!

They were laying!

Everything was a lie!

Heroes are there to help people... what a joke!

They did this to me!

They were the bad guys!

Will anyone believe me though?


No one will!

Nurse: Is there anything I can do for you? You must be hungry. Should I bring you something specific?

Me: How long was I out?

Nurse: 2 weeks.

Me: ... Did... Did my mom ever come and see me?

Nurse: ... I am sorry.

Me: ... Did anyone else come to see me?

Nurse: A pro hero named Eraserhead did on the first night and a detective.

Me: .... Did ... did they find the culprits?

Nurse: They suspect someone that killed themselves in the same night to be responsible for this.

Me: ... I see.

Nurse: Don't worry. The guy who did this to you is dead. He won't be able to harm anyone else anymore.

Won't be able to harm anyone?!

Should I laugh or should I cry?

It was not a guy but a hero!

But whatever!

No one will believe me anyways!

Though why did Aizawa come here?

I thought Shinsou would but not Aizawa....

I wonder why mom never visited me?

Me: ...

Seeing as I wasn't in the mood to talk more the nurse went out and got me some food.

The rest of the stay in the hospital I barely spoke to anyone. No one ever came to see me not even my best friend Hitoshi or my class. Though by now I knew that I wasn't in the class anymore.

Apparently while I was out cold my class was attacked some villains and all they wanted was to destroy the number 1 hero. Then at the sports festival which I could watch on the TV I saw that Hitoshi took up my place in class 1A. I felt betrayed and all alone.

Is this why you never came?

You know I am happy for you Hitoshi!

But I would be even happier if you would have told me that and not me finding it out this way....

Did you already forget about me?

Did the whole class forget about me?

How can this be?


Reality was hard to accept but right now I felt nothing. I only wanted to cry my eyes out nothing more and nothing less.

The only thing that kept me company were the ravens on the windowsill watching me and trying to get in. At some point they started pecking at the window trying to get someone to open it for them. I was too weak and couldn't stand up and the nurse refused to do so.

Time skip brought to you by a wingless bird being released to the wiled again.

It took me another 2 weeks until they told me that I could go home. My mom never visited me even once. No one did. I was all alone by myself. I would have tried to kill myself but I was somewhat still happy that I lived. My father was dead and I still wanted to continue living a good life, one that he would want me to live.

I wonder how mom is doing...

She never visited me...

Is she mad at me?

And what about my school?

Do I still have the rights to go back to UA?

I... I am so confused...

What am I about to do?

Right now, I am good as quirkless.

No one wants some as useless as me.

Gosh how hard quirkless people must have it in life.... I never realized it.

Guess one only learns by experiencing it.

Okay first up going back home.

I hope nothing happened to my mom and she would still accept me!

I was happy that the hospital fees were paid by family but the only thing was that that was it. I didn't hear anything from my family since that incident a month ago...

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