•chapter one•

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One single moment, can change everything.


Rhea giving Kronos a rock instead of her youngest (yet still King of basically everyone), Zeus.

When Persephone ate the pomegranate seeds, causing the harsh winters.

When the Golden Apple was given to Aphrodite, literally causing the Trojan War.

When Pandora opened her box, but closed it and left hope from the world.

When Athena won the city of Athens instead of Poseidon.

When Icarus flew too close to the sun.

When Eros fell for Psyche.

When Eros made Apollo love Daphne, but her hate him.

When King Midas turned everything he touched to gold, even his own daughter.

When the gods would have children with mortals, thus the creation of demigods or Half-Bloods.

When a satyr was born to two others.

When the Sea God fell for a mortal and had a son.

When the Goddess of Wisdom fell for a mortal and created a daughter.

When the Goddess of Love fell for a mortal and had a daughter.

When said goddess left said man with said daughter, completely breaking him.

When said daughter ran away and met the daughter of the Goddess of Wisdom.

When the four mentioned children met and set out on a quest to save the world.

Each moment can change the world, for better or for worse, but it is how we deal with the outcomes that truly matter. It is how we treat our moments with careful thinking and how we mold these moments to fit our story, not others.

It is how a single girl can change the course of the world, with three others.

Who just so happen to be children of the gods.

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