"Thats tricky. Probably the hardest person we'll fight yet." I stood up. My leg still hurt but I could stand.

My leg started to heal quickly. Thats good but I still have to beat him somehow...

"The hell does it want with us?"

"It targeted gf and bf about a year ago. Maybe it thinks we may be easier to beat." 

Before we knew it tricky was behind us planning to attack. Selever quickly grabbed my wrist and jumped out the way.


Selever landed a solid hit on Tricky, sending him to the sky. I collapsed from Exhaustion.


"Im fine." I smile, rolling onto my back.

"Thank goodness." He left out a sigh of relief.

I stood up and turned around not expecting to see tricky with his new upgrade.

"S-Selever." I whispered, shaking his shoulder rapidly.

"What?" He turned around.

Tricky screamed loud and strong enough to knock back both me and Selever. (Btw tricky's in his faze 2 or whatever form so basically flame boy.)

"HOW IS THAT BITCH STILL ALIVE!?" Selever tried to fly forward with his wings.

"I DONT KNOW!" I tried to reply but Tricky's screams were too loud.

Soon he stopped. We fell to the floor. My ears were ringing and so were Selever's.

"Dammit." I cursed under my breath.

Not yet. Keep your eyes open. I tried to convince myself.

"Come on we can still fight him." Selever stumbled as he tried to get up.


I got up and positioned my hand in his direction. My now weak body trembled as I tried to keep my hand still.

"Lightning." It shot out in Tricky's direction, frying him.

As the dust cleared it seemed like it barley damaged him. My jaw dropped.

Selever was behind tricky, constantly moving while attacking him with his claws.

I dashed over to help him. "Whats the plan?"

"Since he's larger now we'll have to be more carful where we hit." Selever explained to me.

"Got it." I jumped up and blasted the back of his hand making him scream.

Tricky smacked Selever back in return to my attack. I turned to see if Selever was ok but that left me open. Tricky  slapped me back as well.

Within the blink of an eye tricky had grab Selever and slowly ripped his wings off with his giant hands.

"AAAAAAHHHH!" Selever screamed in agony.

"Selever." I reached my hand out to him.

My hand fell to the floor as I slowly drifted into a coma. A tear fell down my cheek and hit the floor.

I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя