Chapter 23

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Someone had pulled on my skirt when I was walking out of the room. It was Selever. He was rubbing his eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked tiredly.

"Your not my dad." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Thats right i'm your daddy" He winked at me with a smirked.

"Im going to see if Cj's ok." I removed his hand and it flopped on the bed.

"Oh that guy that face planted. what a loser."

"He broke his nose Selever! Have some respect at the very least!" I yell-whispered.

"Whatever." He rolled over, his back facing me.

I went down the stairs. Cj didn't moved so I assumed he was still asleep.

I sat next to him on the couch with a worried look, hoping he would be ok.

"What are you so worried for?" A grin spread on his face.

"AH!" He started laughing at my reaction.

"THATS NOT FUNNY!" I yelled back.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Selever yelled from the other room.

"I wanted to talk about what happened with that lemon demon...guy?" He looked at me for a second confused then realized.

"Oh yeah. How about we talk about that transformation?" He asked.

"You mean Cupid?" A quick transformation happened but this time it turned out different.

I had a pink crop top with a heart in the middle, pink saggy jeans, and heart sunglasses on my head. Everything else was the same. Like the shade of my wings and hair when I last transformed.

"Woah." Is all he managed to get out.

I put the sword on a tiny chain that was on my jeans.

"So you have crazy powers now?" He asked confused.

"Yeah it was weird. I found out when I first summoned Demon Royalty." Everything turned back to normal and I had a crown float above my head with devil horns.

"What other ones do you have?" Cj was more invested the more I showed him.

"Light Guardian." My short but extra transformation happened, leaving him speechless.

"HAHA YOU SHOULD SEE THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!" I pointed at him historically.




"Selever~." I creaked the door open.

Cj had already left after a while. We agreed to meet up another time in the future and exchanged numbers.

"What?" He groaned angrily.

"Why are you always so angry?" I huffed.

"Grumpy." He corrected me.

"Same thing!"

"Not really."

"Look I didn't come in here to argue about this."

"Then what for?" He raised an eyebrow.

I walked over to him and pushed him down on the bed then sat on top of his bulge. He had a shocked expression.

"Y-Y/N..?" He stammered.

"What? Sometimes I need to relieve stress." I smirked at him before kissing him on the forehead.

"You dirty fuck. At least kiss me on the lips." He grabbed my cheeks and pulled me in.

(Hehe no lemon for you ;))


"Hey Y/N." Ruv ruffled my hair.

"Whats up?" I looked at him.

God this man is a beast.

"Could you get me some coffee from the store?"

"Why edge lord-"

"If you don't get some in 5 minutes I might bash Selever's head in the wall."


I quickly flew over to the closest store and saw someone that looked like Sarv but without color.

She turned around and looked at me. Her pupils looked like they didn't exist and she had a chainsaw.

"Uh..." I mummed to myself, hella disturbed.

Her eyes followed me throughout the store.

I got the coffee and quickly left. Hoping the woman wouldn't follow me back to the church.

When I got back, Selever was on the floor bleeding. Ruv's hands were covered in blood.

"SATIN FUCK I WAS ONE MINUTE LATE!" I dropped the bag and ran to Selever.

"WAKE UP BITCH!" I yelled into his ears making him jump up.

"I told you not to be late." Rub shrugged and walked past me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" He pushed me away from him angrily.

"There was a Sarv wanna be at Satin Mart." I whispered into his ear.

"For satin FUCK-"

Sorry for the lack of updates it's hard when I'm constantly traveling but I will try my best to get chapters out everyday :)

I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now