Chapter 10

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    I woke up in the bed that Ruv and Sarv sleep in but it was only me and Selever. I opened my eyes to see Selever in front of me. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping and I barley realized.

"Wow I didn't know Selever could be such a softy in his sleep." I said making Selever wake up almost immediately.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! IM NO SOFTY YOUR THE SOFTY!" He yelled trying to prove he was the baddest of the bad apparently.

I just watched as he started to argue with Ruv. It was funny how we could act like nothing happened last night.

Sarv then threatened them to stop and told us we were leaving tomorrow. Honestly, I was happy that we were leaving. We almost had two boss fights and...



I didn't want to think about it anymore so I got up and started to pack most things besides what I was going to wear on the car ride. Selever chose the same milk white shirt that had buttons. This time, the tie was perfect instead of crooked.

"I remember that shirt." I said giving him an evil smirk.

"You mean the time when you walked in on me naked." He looked at me like he had accomplished something.

"Says the one that had to lie about having a girlfriend." I shot back.

"Says the one that IS my girlfriend." Selever had won this time but I wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"Lets go to the beach!" Sarv said grabbing the beach bag we constantly used.

"Whatever." Selever said as he went to go change.

Went walked to the beach. I saw the foot print and the prints of our body falling to the sand that happened last night.

Thinking about it I just wanted to leave forever but I didn't. We continued to walk until we saw an ice cream truck. (You know where this is going >:) I hope QwQ)

"Lets get ice cream Ruv!" Sarv said running over to the ice cream truck.

I laughed as they went over. Sarv got ice cream that looked like her. She offered Ruv some and he ate the whole thing.

"Finally that suckers going to die." Selever said with one of the evilest smirks on his face.

I couldn't help but Burts out laughing. "What the fuck Selever!" I said in-between laughs.

Sarv started to beat the shit out of Ruv. I honestly felt bad but I couldn't stop laughing. my stomach hurt so I stopped laughing.

We continued to walk to the beach. Sarv and Ruv went into the water and played while I hung out with gf and bf. I didn't know where Selever went but apparently he left to go check the area for evil-doers. Me and gf talked and how we all were heading home tomorrow.

"This summer was amazing and soon fall would be here." I said looking at the sunset. It seemed like every time I went to the beach I couldn't help but leave until it got dark. I didn't realize I loved the beach so much.

"Its normal Y/N! I love the beach as much as you do." Gf said also staring into the sunset.

"Your the best sister ever."

"I know."

We both sat there and stared at the sunset. Then Selever pulled me off the speakers to go play with him in the sand.

"Don't forget I'm here too Y/N!" He huffed as he dragged me.

"Haha why think that?" I asked.

"I just...want to hang out with you too.." Selever said looking away.

"Thats surprising coming From you mr tough guy." I said slightly hitting his shoulder.



(The second song in my opinion would be better for this part)

It was morning. Yesterday had been more lively than ever. I got ready and put my things in the trunk. I grabbed my phone so I could talk to Carol while I waited for Ruv to start driving. (Yes you have a phone and finally using)

Me and Selever played games on my phone until we fell asleep. I was leaning my head on his shoulder and his head was onto of mine.

I would constantly wake up to Sarv and Ruv taking to each other, stopping for gas, getting snacks, etc.

Me and Selever watched a movie on my phone and read some memes. "Me when someone reminds the teacher about last nights homework." I said out loud. I burst out laughing and so does Selever.

"Seems like you two are having fun!" Sarv said turning around to look at us. I gave her a big smile and said "We sure are!"

Me and Selever soon fell asleep. before I did I looked outside. It was a starting to get dark. I stared at the sky before I fell asleep.

It was a long drive. This time I woke up and it was dark outside. I could see the stars so clearly. Then I realized Selever was looking too.

"Are you enjoying the stars?" I asked with a small smile on my face.

"Yeah. As beautiful as you." He said.

"You know how often that is used? Pft! Be less cliché." I said punching him in the shoulder.

"OW!" He groaned.

"I love you too, Selever." I said before leaning on his shoulder again.


We soon came to a stop. I opened my eyes to see we were back at the church. I was going to miss the beach but it had too much adventure for me.

I practically dragged Selever inside. "OI! IF YOU DON'T WAKE THE FUCK UP YA BITCH!" I yelled in a British accent.

I then dropped him down the stairs and continued to walk up them.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!?" He yelled at the bottom of the stairs.

"Not my fault you didn't wake up when you had the chance." I gave him an evil smirk before turning back around and going into the room.

"FUCK YOU!" He yelled.

"Love you too!" I yelled back.

He stopped yelling after that and came into the room.

"I'm sorry..." He said quietly whole hugging me from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Its ok. I know you didn't mean it." I patted his head before laying down.

It was almost morning so I decided to sleep before the sun could stop me.

I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu