Chapter 16

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    Selected was also glowing and he looked incredibly pissed.

Tabi rolled his eyes and went to try and strangle me.

"I said...STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!" Sleeves yelled louder before running in our direction.

"You bitches never learn!" Tabi grabbed another knife (where the fuck is he getting all these weapons and how did he get them in a restaurant-.-)

Tabi tried to attack him but Selever dodged the attack.

Selever then ran in my direction and picked me up bridal style.
"I can't fight that bitch he has a knife." Selever said while watching Tabi run towards us.
Tabi tried to attack him again but Selever jumps over him.

The knife went through his wing, dragging him in the floor.

I fell on top of Selever and he groaned. "Damn your fucking heavy." He groaned.

I laughed then looked at Tabi. Selever groaned again as the knife dig deeper in the skin of his wing, almost piercing through completely,

"We have to fight him. Or he'll keep coming for me." I rolled Selever.

"But your too weak." Selever stood up and helped me stand up.

"I don't know but both of us are glowing. That should mean something right?" I defended.

"Really? I thought I was just on drugs." I couldn't help but laugh at his statement.

He smiled at the sight of my laughter. Then shook me.

"This is serious babe stop laughing." Selever shook me slightly on the shoulders.

"Let me try powering up." I stopped laughing and the glows faded away.

Selever's pov:

Y/N started to float as she glowed a bright pink. Her wings grew and sharp bones stuck out of them, her nails grew sharp and her eye whites turned black.

"Your looking out of this world." I winked at her, making her blush.

She smiled at me before I started to float too. "Babe put me down I can fly on my own you know." She looked at me confused then shocked.

I started to glow as well. My horns and wings grew sharp and larger, I had also gained a sharp pair of nails and my eyes turned pink. (Like Sarv when she goes demon mode)

Y/N had a wide smile plastered on her face. Then we both remembered Tabi was still here. We looked were he was supposed to be but he wasn't there.

"fuck fuck FUCK!" Y/N yelled.

"What!?" I asked, scanning the room.

"WHERE THE HELL DID TABI GO!?" She looked around the room franticly.

"Look lets leave while we have the chance-"

"NO! I CANT LET HIM ESCAPE I CANT!" She cut me off.

I put a hand on her shoulder and attempted to calm her down.

"Deep breaths Y/N. Don't worry about him let's just go home." I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the exit.

She had a 'Well fucking dammit' face the whole flight. I wanted to cheer her up but its not an easy task to do that after a fucking crazy bitch is trying to kill your girlfriend and now he suddenly disappears.

"I was so close." She mumbled as tears formed in her eyes.

"Yeah and I was so close to loosing you Y/N. You can't go fighting bad guys without my help. If I lost you..." I stopped.

I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now