Chapter 9

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    I was woken up to Selever gently slapping my cheeks. (Top 10 weirdest ways to wake up)

"What the hell Selever.." I sat up and he got off me.

"What I was screaming your name and then Ruv told me to stop screaming." Selever said crossing his arms.

"So that was your second resort!?" Selever is so stupid sometimes I can't help but laugh at him.

"Lets go to the beach." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed.

"Well I can't swim when my legs feel like jelly." I tried to reason with him until he picks me up bridal stile. 

"Then ill carry you into the water."

"I- NO!"

He was able to convince me to go with him. It was early so not many people where there.

"Y/N!" I heard from behind me.

I turned around to see Yukichi running towards me and Selever. I gripped Selever's shirt to make sure he didn't run off because of Yukichi being here.

"Its so early go home kid." Selever said walking in front of me.

"Whats wrong with him?" Yukichi asked giving me a confused look.

"He's just grumpy that's all." I gripped Selever's shirt but hard enough to dig my nails into his skin.

"Thats not-" I knew exactly what he was going to say so I gripped him tighter.

"C'mon Yukichi let's go play in the sanding find sea shells!" I said letting go of Selever before running off with Yukichi.

Selevers pov: 

I rubbed my arm after Y/N injected me with her nails. For demon nails they where sharp.

I don't like Yukichi because he's dangerous and I just want Y/N to be safe. If anything he might be planning something.

Someone with blue hair walked onto the sand. I looked next to me to see someone that looked like bf but female.

She then looked at me "Do you know anyone named bf?" She asked.

"Um yeah but he has a gf if you're trying to get with him." I said looking away. She was starting to make me feel uncomfortable the closer she got.

"Well if you help me kill his gf ill give you something in return." She said reaching for my croch. (Selever x Sky moment ALSO SORRY I DONT KNOW WHY THAT SHIP EXIST)

I jumped away then looked at her terrified. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU CRAZY BITCH!?"

"UGH MEN ARE SO UNGRATEFUL!" She said stomping off.

I quickly flew over to Y/N. "Y/N!!" I yelled.

She turned around quickly in my direction.

Y/N's pov:

Selever had yelled my name and flew over at the speed of light. He has a terrifying expression on his face like he was traumatized.

"Whats wrong!?" I said getting up.

"Some random blue hair chic tried to fuck me if I killed gf!" He said out of breath from flying across the beach.

"So she wanted my sister dead and tried to fuck with MY boyfriend..." Selever nodded.

I started dashing in the direction of bf and gf. Then it hit me.

I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now