Chapter 15

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    I woke up to a sunset. It's official. My sleeping chart is ruined. Selever was gone again so I got up went to go get ready.

My phone rung. It was Selever. I picked up.

"What the fuck! I thought you wouldn't leave me alone!" I yelled trying to annoy him.

"Shut up im on my way back. I got donuts."

"Whatever just hurry." I rolled my eyes and hung up.

I headed down the stairs to see Sarv and ruv tied up. Someone then game out of the kitchen. It was Rasazy!

"What the fuck happened!?" I asked her.

"There was a some skull man and he was looking for you." She didn't seem the slightest fazed when telling me that.

"Where is he now?" I looked around to find the 'skull man' but I was too late.

Something had grabbed me and pulled me back. I motion for Razasy to go back to hiding before he noticed her.

The man had a Russian accent when he talked. I couldn't tell who he is but I have a good idea...


"Don't struggle it will only make this harder for you and me." He said.

My eyelids felt heavy and I could barley keep them from closing. Tabi put some sort of drug in a cloth when he grabbed me.

didn't think id be kidnapped again but this time they want me DEAD!

But then the worst came to my mind. Did he get gf to?

I couldn't stop thinking about it. What if he had gotten to her already? What if he already killed her? There where so many things that came to my mind it felt like hell!

I could feel myself slowly waking up after being drugged. My memory came back to me the more my body had woken up.

I franticly look around to see if gf or anyone was in the room. I saw no one.

There were ropes that tied me to a chair and ropes on my my hands and legs.

The door swung open and Tabi was at the doorway. He held a knife in one hand and the other held a grenade.

"MMMMMM!!" I realized my mouth was tied so no one could hear me. It was odd for that in a place no one would find me.

I heard the voices of other people come from the other wall. THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE HERE!?

They were little conversations.

"Could I get a pizza with pineapples?"

"3 pink lemonades please."

"Could I pleeeeeease get a cookie? Just one!"

"Im glad you decided to come with me bf! My dads uncle invited me over. I wonder how he knew this was my favorite restaurant..."

The last one stood out to me the most. It sounded like gf and bf!

Tabi jumped at the last sentence to and ran out the room. I knew he was up to no good and I had to get out.

I was only able to make my horns and wings grow a bit. Looks like the drug did more than make me pass out...

I tried to scratch at the ropes. They were durable but work like regular ones. It would take alot of time to get free though.

Gf's pov:

I had invited bf and Y/N to come with me too my fave restaurant but only bf replied. It was odd for her to not answer.

After the whole Tabi incident I've been very shaky and paranoid. What if she got captured!? No she's too strong for that...BUT WHAT IF SHE DID!?

"Beep?" Bf asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry bf ive just been worried for Y/N that's all. I need to go to the bathroom real quick..."

"Bop skbeep!"

"Ok ok! You can walk me over." Bf always made me smile.

Not far from us was what looked like...TABI!?

"TABI!?" I stepped back, wanting to run away but I was too scared to.

"I have your sister gf. Come here nicely and she will be let go." Tabi threatened.

I didn't know what was the wright choice. Bf then stood in front of me with his microphone in hand.

"Beep bop skdoop!"

all I could do is stand behind bf like a coward. Where could he have hidden Y/N..?

I heard noises coming from behind the wall next to us. They were loud and what sounded like cries for help?

I snuck over and opened the door. It was Y/N!

Y//N's pov:

I had gotten free and started to claw at the door. My abilities were too weak and I couldn't tell how long it would take for them to return back to its original strength. I was about to give up when the door creaked open.

It was gf and she looked so relieved to see me! I ran over and hugged her tightly.

"Y/N!" She whispered.

"Gf!" I whispered back.

We separated so I could explain.

"Tabi locked me up and slightly disabled my powers with some sort of drug."

"Do you know if it can ware off?"

"No clue."

"Tabi's outside with bf. I don't know how long his patience will last."

"Try not to get caught in the crossfire!" Gf said before turning into her demon form.

"Ok!" I said running out the room behind her.

Tabi stopped singing when he saw me and gf.


Tabi grabbed the same grenade from earlier and pulled the trigger. The whole restaurant was destroyed and everything was on fire. Gf was affect badly, trying to protect me.

"GF!" I fell to my knees to heal her but my powers were still in the affect of the drug.

"Ill just have to kill ALL OF YOU!" Tabi yelled before lunging at bf.

I managed to use the rest of the magic I had to teleport bf and gf somewhere else before he could attack them.

"NO! YOU DID THAT DIDN'T YOU! YOU BITCH!" Tabi looked more pissed.

It was the end. He was going to kill me. At least this disastrous life would be over and I can rest in peace...

Tabi ran towards me with the knife. I felt something cold touch me but then it quickly went away.

The sound of medal hit the floor and I opened my eyes.

My body was glowing and the knife was broken in half. Tabi looked shocked.

"Get away from my girlfriend..." I heard from the entrance of the restaurant doors.

It was Selever! And he didn't look happy.


I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum