Chapter 11

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    I woke up and it was night time.

  Just great. I thought to myself. I looked around but I didn't see Selever.

There was a knock on the door. Should I open it?

"Come in." I said waiting for the door to open.

I saw the little girl that was Selever's sister. Rasazy.

"Wheres Selever?" She asked looking around.

"I don't know. Maybe ask your mom or dad." I said getting up to close the door behind her

"Ok." She said as she walked down the stairs.

I flopped on the bed, some how exhausted. I looked out the window to see a night full of stars.

I should probably look for Selever too. I told myself getting ready. Walking in the bathroom, I see a pentagram.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Is all I could yell.

"What is it Y/N!?" Sarv asked while walking over.

"It's...a pentagram.." I said pointing at it.

Ruv had now walked into the room to see what was going on. Sarv turned around and whispered "Do you think he's in there?"

"Probably. I'm going to beat his ass when he gets back." Ruv whispered back.

"I'm...going to go in." I said walking closer.

"WAIT Y/N DO-" Sarv's voice faded away as it teleported me through.

My head hurt as I started to wake up. I was back at the beach house. Only this time it was a bit off.

I saw Selever talking to what looked like Yukichi. But Yukichi's dead so this is definitely an alternate world.

"SELEVER!" I yelled trying to get his attention. Their voices started to become more clear the closer I got.

"SELEVER!" This time he looked over and saw me. He looked shocked that I had found him.

"What are you doing here!?" He gritted his teeth.

"Why are YOU here?" I shot back.

"I...Was going to bring Yukichi back..." He said looking at the fake one.

"Yukichi's dead Selever. I'm fine don't worry." I truly did miss him but it was better off to not mess with the worlds of the living and dead.

"Are you sure?" He asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes" I buried my face into the same milk white shirt with buttons as I hugged him.

He hugged me back. As we both watched the alternate Yukichi fade away.

"Can we go home now?" I muffled in his shirt.



We got back and Ruv started to yell at Selever. He was making the church shake again like it was when he was in a rap battle with bf.

I felt off again. Normally this happens when me and Selever fight some sort of boss. (Oh we know where this is going >:) MWAHAHAHAH!)

I went to go tell Selever that I was feeling off again.

"Selever!" I walked over to him. He was playing with Rasazy.

"Whats up Y/N?" He asked looking at me as he stood up to face me.

"I have that feeling again."


Selever looked around to make sure nothing was around at the time.

"Rasazy, go play with mom and dad." Selever said as he pointed her in the direction.

"Ok." She replied as she ran away.

"Be ready for anything." I said as I held on to Selever.

"Ok." He replied waiting for something to happen.

We both got sucked into a void bringing us to a weirdly shaped world.

"Oh. You too look new here." A man that looked like he had snakes on his head.

"Are you a rip off teenager person of Medusa?" Selever said making me burst out laughing.

"What the fuck man!? I didn't do anything to you!" The man yelled back.

"I don't care you look ugly as fuck. Go back to being fiction you medusa wannabe!" Selever kept going on as he pissed medusa 2.0 off.

"Thats it. YOU ASKED FOR THIS!" The man yelled before the place turned into chaos.

The floor started to shake and blocks were shooting everywhere. The floor had turned into a large beat box. 

music started to play so I got my mic. Gf told me I would need it one day.

"LETS RAP THIS OUT YOU SHITS!" He yelled before he started to sing.

Selever was trying not to fall as the floor kept shaking. The man started to sing quickly so I had to keep up.

I started to gain more confidence more the song went on.

He looked more and more pissed every second. It was like he was yelling his vocals out just to win.

I fall to the floor due to the shaking and almost fall off. I was sliding to the edge but Selever picked me up just in time.

we both began to sing in a duo. We kept singing as medusa wannabe started to get more mad.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!?" Selever yelled.

This pissed him off more which made him sing faster. Me and Selever struggle to keep the pace up but a flash of light comes and everything went white.

I woke up on some sand in the middle of nowhere. Selever was knocked out so I had to drag him away. I then saw someone talking to the man so I flew back and eaves dropped on their conversation.

"Was the female demon by any chance wearing a s/c shirt and s/c skirt?" The blue one asked.

"Yeah why?"

"We have to find those too. And quick." The blue one said.

"Can I at least get some sleep first?"

"Yeah come on Agoti."


I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now