“Va bene” He went to his coat rack and grabbed his suit jacket while Gema was still trying to gather her senses. He walked back over to her and looked her up and down. “First thing” His hand reached up and pulled her hair free of its bun. Gema protested, trying to slap his hand away, but it had already been done. “Your hair is never to be up again” He warned. “I hate it up” 

“Oh by all means!” Gema snapped at him and Vistos smirked at her. 

“You are mine for the next six months, I suggest you get familiar with what I do and don’t like” He looked at his watch. “Come, let’s have lunch” 

“No, I couldn’t, I have some other things to attend to…” she was rambling and Vistos cut her off with a nod of his head. 

“You are right, we shall stop at Doug’s and let him know that your relationship is over. Come” He urged. 

“NO!” Gema screamed, grabbing Vistos’s arm desperately. Vistos frowned at her and she immediately let him go, blushing deeply. “I just, I’d rather tell him myself, alone-” 

“No” Vistos cut her off, shaking his head. “You will never be alone with Doug again, I will not allow it” 

“I can handle him-”

“Clearly not, cara, or you would have disposed of him long ago” Vistos muttered as he pulled out his car keys and placed a hand on her back, propelling her from his office. “We shall go together, so he can see that we are together” 

Gema waited till they were waiting for his car to be brought to the front of the building before she said anything else. 

“Is that what this is about? You want to show Doug that you have me now? Is that what this whole thing is about?” 

Vistos shrugged. “Pissing off my stepbrother is simply another bonus to our business deal, Gema” he looked her up and down slowly and her body burned where his eyes followed. “I’m sure you will find the bonuses to be abundant” 

Gema blushed deeply and turned away, refusing to meet his eyes. “Do we really have to do this at Doug’s work? Can’t we at least do it tonight in private?” 

Vistos thought about that for a second before nodding. “Yes, that will perhaps be more tactful.” He glanced at his watch again and swore. “I do not have time for lunch today, but my assistant will be in touch” 

“In touch?” 

“Yes” He waved down a taxi and opened the door for her. Gema climbed inside and turned to look at him. Vistos leaned down and brushed his lips on her cheek. “Ciao” 

“Ciao” Gema whispered to the glass of the window as the taxi drove away, and she couldn’t help thinking that she had left her morals back in Vistos’ office. 

Chapter 8

Vistos’s assistant arrived at Gema’s apartment right as she was getting out of the shower. The older woman seemed nice enough as she gave Gema a run down of Vistos’ typical day. Filled with meetings and on site work, Gema was surprised at all he did.

“But of course, he won’t work as much while you’re in Italy.” Claire said offhandedly and Gema nearly choked on her tea. 

“Ex-excuse me? Italy?” 

“Oh, he must have meant it as a surprise and I’ve gone and ruined it!” Claire smiled apologetically. “Yes, Italy, the jet leaves tomorrow morning” 

Gema stared at Claire, unbelieving. “How….how long are we going to be in Italy?” 

Claire shrugged. “He didn’t say, but he hasn’t been to Italy in years, so I can only imagine that he’s planning on spending a lot of time there. Plus, his sister is getting married soon and I’m sure he plans on being there for that” 

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